Dazza JP Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:08 am
Murraymint11 wrote:
I have the quest to banish 10 Swamp Monsters. I banished one of mine while running the Golden Rose with Phoenix, and it swiped 400 energy! I thought it only needed 40? Is it because I was running with 1 energy/second re-charge?
Oh, and I don't seem to be able to run the Bronze Phoenix with the Golden Rose - says I'm already running a charm of the same type....
Unfortunately it takes 40 energy to attack just 1/10th of the swamp monster, you have to attack each one 10 times, so it does take 400 energy each one and also 10 flare pistols.
So for your quest, that would be 4000 energy and 100 flare guns needed, have to love this game lol
And on the charm question, there are some combinations that don't work anymore, we used to be able to stack any charms together, but GI have slowly been stopping that, I assume at some point we won't be able to do this at all