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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 


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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  sunnyind Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:45 pm

    No worries, now I am at Mercury quest and it is so tough, nothing needed from friends for that.

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  engineer Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:33 pm

    So I just thought I'd post my findings for these quests here because it seems like this is where most people are reading Smile

    1. Make sure you open the island by collecting 5 of each item before you charge the Atlantean collection for the first time and complete the quest.

    2. If you're stuck on any of the island collection item quests that require a phenomenon, it's probably easier to just explore the Island to find the item instead. Example--Robinson's hat needs Mist in the dressing room, but I found it by exploring the island for the second time at Trainee level

    3. Don't explore the Oceanic room to get T-Rex Fillets, just explore the hunting room. It costs less energy and they drop from both places.

    4. Don't bother asking friends for tiramisu, they drop VERY easily by banishing snatchins. I have over 80 already...

    5. Try exploring the "pay to enter" rooms if you're having problems finding marine maps to trade with Seafarer snatchin. They seem to drop more easily there.

    6. Start asking for masks again because the beach items are back in the island room Smile

    OK...if I think of any more I'll let you know Smile

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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:38 pm


    I'm sorry I was too late help. Is it tough? I remember stopping on the 5th try coz It was time to be a birthday girl. Lol! I should start getting to it then Smile

    Last edited by QueenVictoria on Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:01 pm

    LOL! ENGINEER! You had better post in the proper category as well, Rainkid will kill me!

    Thank you so very much! This will be very helpful especially for those starting out the new quests! Very helpful indeed! Thank you for sharing! We appreciate you! Smile

    But again, please re-post in the Guides and Where to Find section! Thank you, thank you! Smile

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Shadowcat Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:02 am

    engineer wrote:So I just thought I'd post my findings for these quests here because it seems like this is where most people are reading Smile

    1. Make sure you open the island by collecting 5 of each item before you charge the Atlantean collection for the first time and complete the quest.

    2. If you're stuck on any of the island collection item quests that require a phenomenon, it's probably easier to just explore the Island to find the item instead. Example--Robinson's hat needs Mist in the dressing room, but I found it by exploring the island for the second time at Trainee level

    3. Don't explore the Oceanic room to get T-Rex Fillets, just explore the hunting room. It costs less energy and they drop from both places.

    4. Don't bother asking friends for tiramisu, they drop VERY easily by banishing snatchins. I have over 80 already...

    5. Try exploring the "pay to enter" rooms if you're having problems finding marine maps to trade with Seafarer snatchin. They seem to drop more easily there.

    6. Start asking for masks again because the beach items are back in the island room Smile

    OK...if I think of any more I'll let you know Smile

    I'm not having much luck with finding the tiramisu from the snatchins. I found one from the first snatchin I banished, then no more for the next 15-20 snatchins. I'm using a turtle. Very frustrating, especially since many friends don't have any snatchins to banish at all!

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:46 am

    Hello SHADOWCAT,

    Have you cleared your robot quest? The robots in your manor will not go away and will not be replaced by snatchins until you clear your old quests.

    The premise of ENGINEER's post is that you have no old quests. Please remember that your own manor will adapt depending on the progress of your game. And even the roamers you see when you visit other people is affected by this same progress. My guess is, your manor is still poised to help you clear the robot quest that's why you have no snatchins and tiramisu's are not falling out as easily. My suggestion is, clear the robot quest and you will experience what Engineer has described. Smile

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Shadowcat Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:05 am

    QueenVictoria wrote:Hello SHADOWCAT,

    Have you cleared your robot quest? The robots in your manor will not go away and will not be replaced by snatchins until you clear your old quests.

    The premise of ENGINEER's post is that you have no old quests. Please remember that your own manor will adapt depending on the progress of your game. And even the roamers you see when you visit other people is affected by this same progress. My guess is, your manor is still poised to help you clear the robot quest that's why you have no snatchins and tiramisu's are not falling out as easily. My suggestion is, clear the robot quest and you will experience what Engineer has described. Smile

    That's a great idea in theory, except that when I tried to bash robots last night, only vacuum robots were counting towards my quest. Bash a tv robot, quest didn't change! Going to be awfully hard (read impossible) to clear the quest if it won't update quest! Support agrees there is a problem and has given me loads of oil cans, but I'm waiting to hear from them if other robots are likely to count now or if I have to wait out yet another update - this has been happening last 3 updates for me...

    I have snatchins in my manor, but I thought if I bashed them, they would go away and not return... Is that not true anymore? I would love to be able to bash my snowdoll and finish that part of achievement.

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:23 am

    Can I go LOL and you won't feel offended? LOL! You are one unlucky kitty! LOL!

    So all of your adversities can actually be pointed to a bad update for you. Maybe because you bash them instead of banishing? LOL! I'm kidding! ROFL

    This is what you do honey. Email support everyday for a kind follow up. They will fix it sooner. Your snow doll will not go away, normally! But I'm scared to say what the norm is because your manor seems to have a mind of it's own Smile. At any rate, snow dolls are easy to find when you visit, or is this not the case for you too? Try players at level 25 and below. If you don't have any friends at that level, choose from the following options:
    1. Go to ratings board and find one among weekly ranked players.
    2. Go to friends, and then first tab and visit any you see from there, or
    3. If all fails, let me know, I will find one and keep a player on my wall for you to visit repeatedly.

    Okay? Don't lose heart, my friend! Smile. Everything will turn out fine! Smile

    Posts : 82
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    MM Name : shadowcat

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Shadowcat Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:14 pm

    QueenVictoria wrote:Can I go LOL and you won't feel offended? LOL! You are one unlucky kitty! LOL!

    So all of your adversities can actually be pointed to a bad update for you. Maybe because you bash them instead of banishing? LOL! I'm kidding! ROFL

    This is what you do honey. Email support everyday for a kind follow up. They will fix it sooner. Your snow doll will not go away, normally! But I'm scared to say what the norm is because your manor seems to have a mind of it's own Smile. At any rate, snow dolls are easy to find when you visit, or is this not the case for you too? Try players at level 25 and below. If you don't have any friends at that level, choose from the following options:
    1. Go to ratings board and find one among weekly ranked players.
    2. Go to friends, and then first tab and visit any you see from there, or
    3. If all fails, let me know, I will find one and keep a player on my wall for you to visit repeatedly.

    Okay? Don't lose heart, my friend! Smile. Everything will turn out fine! Smile

    I banished my snowdoll and it stayed banished Sad oh well, I guess it's not hurting me anymore than it used to when I was ignoring it. Robots, of course, won't stay banished!

    Polite but persistent finally paid off with respect to support. Not every day, but a couple times a week. They finally managed to fix the robots not counting AND they gave me enough oil cans to make up for those I lost and enough to finish the quest!!!

    I'm so stoked that the spaceship is nearly open! got all the crop circles (why didn't I remember that you could just ask friends for them. I actually found one and worked on finding 2 more before I realized my error, lol).

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Swamp creatures

    Post  at Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:28 pm

    I am at a loss...having trouble finding the guns to banish swamp creature. Any thoughts?

    Side note: hope your "first" birthday has been amazing! Life sure does start at 40!

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    Post  QueenVictoria Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:06 pm

    Good morning AT Smile

    You have no choice but to find the weapons by exploring rooms. Start with living room and go around but include fortune telling room to gauge if they drop more from rooms that require keys. If they do, then start exploring the big rooms too.

    I will PM you on one other thing about this.

    Thank you for wishing me well! Just waiting for our sunblock to dry then we'll be outside for the rest of the day until my mandatory afternoon nap. Smile I am, after all, one year old! Smile

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    Post  QueenVictoria Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:16 pm

    Shadowcat wrote:
    I banished my snowdoll and it stayed banished Sad oh well, I guess it's not hurting me anymore than it used to when I was ignoring it. Robots, of course, won't stay banished!

    Polite but persistent finally paid off with respect to support. Not every day, but a couple times a week. They finally managed to fix the robots not counting AND they gave me enough oil cans to make up for those I lost and enough to finish the quest!!!

    I'm so stoked that the spaceship is nearly open! got all the crop circles (why didn't I remember that you could just ask friends for them. I actually found one and worked on finding 2 more before I realized my error, lol).

    You are one funny cat! I can't help with memory gaps! I hear vitamins with fish oil and gingko biloba are good! It's your only hope! LOL! Smile

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    Post  QueenVictoria Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:32 pm


    Help me understand why you're hating ENGINEER's post? I thought it was an admirable gesture. She was kind enough to take the time and share some helpful thoughts. How come you don't find it useful? I don't understand Sad. At the very least, please explain why you don't find it useful.

    I would like to encourage positive points on our thread, especially for those new to our clique.
    Some people don't share their thoughts, afraid of negative feedback. And when someone gathers enough courage to speak, let's encourage it please? Otherwise, people would stop sharing and where would that leave us?

    Even thoughts that are skewed gets us thinking, and it brings out better ideas. That's what a forum is about, and the expected result is to find the best answer. Let's not curtail the process by discouraging those who post!

    @ENGINEER I still appreciate you and a lot of my friends do too! I can't give you another positive so please just accept my apologies!


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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  pianofingers Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:05 am

    Hi there QueenVictoria! Hope you don't mind me popping into your thread Very Happy You've got a lot of useful info in here, especially the ones about the island quests! Thanks for that list, it was really helpful! Like a Star @ heaven

    Shadowcat wrote:
    I banished my snowdoll and it stayed banished Sad

    @Shadowcat, I think that the Snowdoll isn't part of the Snatchin set for the tiramisu quest. The 5 Snatchins that appear on your manor to help with the tiramisus are: Bookworm, Hungry, Thieving, Ear-Twisting and Grubby. As long as you still have the Hearty Meal quest ongoing, you can safely banish any of these 5 Snatchins from your manor, and they will regenerate immediately. Smile

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    Post  QueenVictoria Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:53 am

    Hello PIANOFINGERS! Smile

    No more Alicia Keys? I love your new look! You're looking good! LOL!

    I don't mind, in fact, we welcome all positive feedback and help from everyone. So thank you so much for helping SHADOWCAT! Smile

    Although, she mentioned she was hunting down the snow doll to accomplish the achievement chest, not really sure if it was for the tiramisu as well but this is good to know so again, thank you! Smile

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    Post  pianofingers Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:41 am

    LOL yeah, it's funny that we ended up choosing the same avatar!

    Hope you're doing well amidst all the heavy rainfall! Is your area affected by the flooding?

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    Post  QueenVictoria Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:46 am

    Actually, I'm not home. I'm kinda missing all the action. My flight home might be cancelled though Sad

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    Post  pianofingers Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:57 am

    Yeah it's probably for the best! It's no fun being stranded in an airport! Anyway, stay safe, and I hope your friends and family back home are safe as well!

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    Post  QueenVictoria Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:01 am

    That's very kind of you! Yes, they are well! Smile
    Thank you so much! Smile

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty ROOM 18 - THE LOST ISLAND 3 of 3

    Post  QueenVictoria Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:19 am

    ROOM 18 - ISLAND PHOTO QUESTS - final part

    I should have just continued last time, I didn't realize the last few were too easy! Sorry for the delay guys! Here are the final quests, will only take less than 5 explorations each with a turtle, no other artifacts.

    1. Mercury - native idol in hunting room or hallway. Explored 5 times, didn't find Mercury and I noticed too that it was not resetting coz even if someone new tipped me, the room retained it's old tips. So I explored it and let the idol go so it refreshes. Got the Mercury in the hunting room on the 2nd try after letting the first native idol go. So don't retain the idol and not to worry coz it only takes 2 tries, as does the rest of the subsequent quests.

    2. Golden Fleece - explore African room or Library at night. Found the fleece in the African room on the 2nd time it went on night mode.

    3. Unicorn - explore Fortune Telling or Hunting room at night. Found in Fortune Telling room on the 2nd time it went on night mode.

    4. Lily of the Valley - explore any room at night. Found in Fortune Telling room also on the 2nd time it went on night mode.

    5. Explore Island 3 times - previous explorations seem to count. I only needed to explore the room once and the quest was done.

    So that's it for these sets of quests! Enjoy everyone, and happy hunting! Smile

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Shadowcat Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:27 am

    QueenVictoria wrote:Hello PIANOFINGERS! Smile

    No more Alicia Keys? I love your new look! You're looking good! LOL!

    I don't mind, in fact, we welcome all positive feedback and help from everyone. So thank you so much for helping SHADOWCAT! Smile

    Although, she mentioned she was hunting down the snow doll to accomplish the achievement chest, not really sure if it was for the tiramisu as well but this is good to know so again, thank you! Smile

    Thank you both, pianofingers and Queen Victoria for your help! I really appreciate all the help from you both and all the helpful people on mmuff!
    Ann H
    Ann H

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    Post  Ann H Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:43 am

    Oh my goodness Shocked I was hoping to almostbdonebwith the latest quest but that is not the case. Thanks for the update.

    I will strive to complete my quest even if it's the death of me.

    Haveva good day/evening everyone. sunny

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    Post  QueenVictoria Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:46 am


    Where are you at, Ann? And why would it be the death of you? ROFL! They're easy, I promise! Smile

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 19 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  engineer Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:54 am

    QueenVictoria wrote:
    @ENGINEER I still appreciate you and a lot of my friends do too! I can't give you another positive so please just accept my apologies!

    Lol, it's ok QV! I don't take offense. I just posted my observations, and some may disagree. If anyone does disagree, though, they should post and let everyone know what they think is correct so we can all learn Smile

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    Post  sunnyind Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:55 am


    I tried almost 25 times each in both rooms with Native idol and all other rooms in night mode and still couldn't get Mercury, is this my bad luck or I am doing something wrong.

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