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    Zodiac Quests


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    Join date : 2012-09-19

    Zodiac Quests Empty Zodiac Quests

    Post  Erald Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:32 am


    New here (Level 58), so I don't know if this question has come about already.
    I have big trouble gathering the Shatters of Zodiac required to enter Zodiac rooms. All I know is that these are dropped from Gypsies, but after having spent 500+ silver horseshoes, 200+ copper ones and some 50 golden horseshoes I have only been able to enter some 5-10 times or so...conclusion: drop rate is <<10%. Is there another way to get these shards? Or is this the moneymaker for the Game maker? Biggest problem is not that I am desperate to complete Zodiac quests (eventually I want to...) but the fact that this phenomenon blocks rooms I need to visit (e.g. Kitchen, which I need to visit at night to get not one, but 15 bananas).
    Help please, this is driving me nuts!

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    Zodiac Quests Empty Re: Zodiac Quests

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:34 pm

    Erald wrote:Hi,

    New here (Level 58), so I don't know if this question has come about already.
    I have big trouble gathering the Shatters of Zodiac required to enter Zodiac rooms. All I know is that these are dropped from Gypsies, but after having spent 500+ silver horseshoes, 200+ copper ones and some 50 golden horseshoes I have only been able to enter some 5-10 times or so...conclusion: drop rate is <<10%. Is there another way to get these shards? Or is this the moneymaker for the Game maker? Biggest problem is not that I am desperate to complete Zodiac quests (eventually I want to...) but the fact that this phenomenon blocks rooms I need to visit (e.g. Kitchen, which I need to visit at night to get not one, but 15 bananas).
    Help please, this is driving me nuts!

    Are you by chance playing the Android or Facebook version of the game? There is no Zodiac room for the iPad version. There is a fortune Telling Room that requires runes to enter. This forum is for the iPad version, but perhaps someone who plays the other version can guide you.... Question

    Posts : 4
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    Join date : 2012-09-19

    Zodiac Quests Empty Re: Zodiac Quests

    Post  Erald Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:23 am

    I am playing the Android version. By 'Zodiac room' I meant rooms w/zodiac phenomenon in it. Entrance requires those 'shatters of Zodiac', dropped by Gypsies. These things however drop at such a low rate that I have to spend ridiculous amounts of time (and resources - horseshoes) in chasing gibbo's hoping that they drop something useful, so I can advance with the 'real' game. Bit frustrating if you ask me, so I was hoping for some tips on how to do this more efficiently...Wink

    Posts : 483
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    Join date : 2012-03-16
    Location : East coast
    MM Name : Charlotte

    Zodiac Quests Empty Mystery manor for Android Help -- Facebook page

    Post  Mbstr8k Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:00 pm

    Erald wrote:I am playing the Android version. By 'Zodiac room' I meant rooms w/zodiac phenomenon in it. Entrance requires those 'shatters of Zodiac', dropped by Gypsies. These things however drop at such a low rate that I have to spend ridiculous amounts of time (and resources - horseshoes) in chasing gibbo's hoping that they drop something useful, so I can advance with the 'real' game. Bit frustrating if you ask me, so I was hoping for some tips on how to do this more efficiently...Wink

    Try this Facebook page for Android mystery manor players. There aren't zodiac phenomenons on the iPad version. But players on this site might be able to help! Very Happy

    Posts : 6
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    MM Name : drivefast99

    Zodiac Quests Empty Re: Zodiac Quests

    Post  drivefast99 Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:08 pm

    A little late in replying but if someone else is having the same issue...

    I just put the zodiac collections on my wishlist. Leave at least one in your gift box until the quest pops up. Collect the item and your quest is complete. Smile

    Now I collect the shrads so I can move the zodiac from one room to the another. Once the zodiac room is searched successfully go to another room and search it until the zodiac mode appears there. Then go do your quest in the previously zodiaced room...

    It's a real PITA but works...

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