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4 posters

    Frisky horse and Gong


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    Frisky horse and Gong Empty Frisky horse and Gong

    Post  LaurenD Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:14 pm

    It seems like I have banished a hundred gypsies and have yet to get the frisky horse. Is there one gypsy in particular I should go after or is just bad luck? Also, I have had the gong quest for a few weeks now (have to explore the hunting room in silhouette mode to find the gong) ... I have explored this room in silhouette mode over and over ... No gong. Are there certain conditions that must be present ... Or bad luck again?

    Frisky horse and Gong Empty Re: Frisky horse and Gong

    Post  Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:28 pm

    Don't know about horse but I found the gong in hinting room with mist phenomenon.

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    Frisky horse and Gong Empty Re: Frisky horse and Gong

    Post  Admin Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:14 am

    Some items have a lower drop rate. Frisky Horse is pretty low.

    I got mine from banishing an Elder Gypsy, I believe.

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    Frisky horse and Gong Empty Re: Frisky horse and Gong

    Post  Deesha Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:04 pm

    I got mine by banishing the gypsy with silver horseshoes

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    Frisky horse and Gong Empty Re: Frisky horse and Gong

    Post  Martino Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:55 am

    I have had several Freaking Frisky horses plus other horses once I had 100 silver horseshoes from one of the gypsy collections (see there) and banished a lot of 'Gypsy's (=the man) with the Turtle on.
    Not everybody has got the horsies, so they become welcome trading items for me...

    PS Keep in mind that if you visit a friend who has a floating character you wish to banish (or preferable more) you can visit the friend, banish, then go to his/her neighbour and go back again. You will see the character is back and you can banish once again!
    Me I noticed this just after a while on the game when someone else hinted this to me...

    Happy horse hunt!

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