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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

6 posters

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    Guess who? Empty Guess who?

    Post  Admin Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:45 pm

    Hi there everyone! Finally have a free moment to drop by to say hello.
    Sadly, as some of you might have noticed - I haven' been in-game in a month. I don't think I'll have time to play any time soon, and honestly, I'm really turned off by Game Insight.

    I have been asked by some people to make a Facebook/Android version of the Friend Code Synthesizer.

    Does anyone know if either one of these versions still give diamonds for entering friend codes?

    Hope you've all be well. I missed you all! Very Happy~

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    Post  Guest Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:20 pm

    Welcome back!!! cheers You have been missed my friend. I hope all is well with you and yours Very Happy

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    Post  Mbstr8k Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:35 pm

    Admin wrote:Hi there everyone! Finally have a free moment to drop by to say hello.
    Sadly, as some of you might have noticed - I haven' been in-game in a month. I don't think I'll have time to play any time soon, and honestly, I'm really turned off by Game Insight.

    I have been asked by some people to make a Facebook/Android version of the Friend Code Synthesizer.

    Does anyone know if either one of these versions still give diamonds for entering friend codes?

    Hope you've all be well. I missed you all! Very Happy~

    Glad to see you stopped in for a visit! I was in your manor today--tried to clean out some cobwebs for you (just call me Elsa! Very Happy ). Wanted the manor fresh in case you returned!

    I think a lot of us have drastically cut back or cut out our MM playing time. GI really has made the game dull and there doesn't seem to be any change coming. scratch I have certainly not been hurting to find other ACTIVE things to do with my free time.

    I hope you are not running yourself ragged! I do hope that your being busy, means that business is good!

    I'm sending you a PM with a request.:-)

    Guess who? Empty Re: Guess who?

    Post  Guest Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:39 pm

    Woot! Welcome to the blue crew MB!!!! cheers

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    Post  Ali8stone Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:40 pm

    OMG I thought you had forsaken us all no monsters for full moon just an Admin return ! Thought you had a bellyful of all the shenanigans and the evil GI who took your FCS away

    Hope you have all settled in. . I am brave enough now to post occasionally after weeks and months of lurking in this fabulous forum

    Please stop by here even if you don't play .. I suspect a lot of usnfeel that way.

    Posts : 969
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    Friend Code : B15B06
    MM Name : rainkid

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    Post  Admin Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:51 pm

    Indeed, I love it here. This is a cozy community with great people. I honestly felt that MM was too overwhelming when I started playing. Collectively, we were able to crack many of the mysteries (to Game Insight's dismay) that is Mystery Manor.

    Does nobody play the Android/Facebook versions?

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    Post  someoneXYZ Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:28 pm

    Admin wrote:Indeed, I love it here. This is a cozy community with great people. I honestly felt that MM was too overwhelming when I started playing. Collectively, we were able to crack many of the mysteries (to Game Insight's dismay) that is Mystery Manor.

    Does nobody play the Android/Facebook versions?

    Hi, I am play FB version a few days & have not seen any friend code but just add & request friend on FB MM webpage.

    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:30 pm

    Hi Admin! We've never met, but I want to tell you thank you for creating this place. Even though many of the high level players are bored with MM, having finished all the quests, those of us who started the game later are still using and appreciating all the wonderful help available here. I appreciate all the effort you've put into creating and maintaining this place. I love you

    Posts : 48
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    Post  ThuyAn Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:19 am

    •Vicki• wrote:Hi Admin! We've never met, but I want to tell you thank you for creating this place. Even though many of the high level players are bored with MM, having finished all the quests, those of us who started the game later are still using and appreciating all the wonderful help available here. I appreciate all the effort you've put into creating and maintaining this place. I love you

    Second this! Great community and resources, thank you !,

    Posts : 969
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    Friend Code : B15B06
    MM Name : rainkid

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    Post  Admin Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:18 pm

    You're both very welcomed!

    I simply put the framework in place - it's the community who has filled it with so much useful information. So, because of that, I thank everyone who has contributed Very Happy

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