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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum



    Posts : 302
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    Join date : 2012-06-18
    Location : Singapore
    MM Name : Pauline

    unplayable Empty unplayable

    Post  paulinelhg Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:46 pm

    Finally its weekend, I've 2 hour set aside to play. Open MM, answer wall request, collect gifts, give gift. Amazingly was able to visit friend at first try. Visited approx 10 friends, n had to return to manor because a friend updated but i haven't.

    Thought I'll run the Olympic artefact n search some rooms,but i crashed out, try 3x without success. Tried go visiting 3x and crashed.
    During the 6 crashes, when i reopen MM,here are the pop ups

    1. Try this new game - GI if you fix existing game, I'll consider
    2. Try this other new game - GI , I can't even play this game, what makes you think your other game can work?
    3. eat some food to replenish your energy - what for? I can't charge Olympic artifact and without it, room searches are useless.
    4. Go facebook to get your reward - 5 diamonds? What i need now is turtle of luck charm, that cost 35 diamonds!
    5. Get reward if you complete charging 9x the 3 sets of island collection - I'm at approx 90% expert on island and have no found hut 9x.

    Didn't make it back after the fifth crash . Game is unplayable

    Posts : 302
    Points : 5035
    Reputation : 53
    Join date : 2012-06-18
    Location : Singapore
    MM Name : Pauline

    unplayable Empty GI - greedy idiots!

    Post  paulinelhg Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:24 am

    Its weekend again, and set aside another 2 hours. I can't help but be amazed and appalled!

    The pop up this time advertises MM Blitz. 50 diamonds plus useful items if you download game. Not interested.

    I crashed out when collecting gifts and upon return, the next pop up reads " 10 diamonds if you watch MM blitz video". Wow, I just had to click play and watch the video, how innovative they are when they try to entice us?"

    Yet, my MM game is still unplayable. I can't visit friends, can't charge collections and crashes out of game often.

    GI, the best way to entice player to start trying your game out and continue playing and along the way, use Real money, is to make EXISTING game work!

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:38 pm