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    Bluebird capture


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    Bluebird capture Empty Bluebird capture

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:46 am

    I've searched this site and can't find the information on the bluebird flying around, so at the risk of repeating something already covered.....

    What good does it do to capture the bluebird?

    I was so caught up in my first use of the turtle last night and spent my one shawl to capture the bluebird.:-(

    Posts : 969
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    Friend Code : B15B06
    MM Name : rainkid

    Bluebird capture Empty Re: Bluebird capture

    Post  Admin Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:01 pm

    You only need to banish the Blue Bird to get the birdcage. This is a very early quest. Once you have that done, you never have to banish blue birds again.

    Posts : 483
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    Location : East coast
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    Bluebird capture Empty Re: Bluebird capture

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:43 pm

    Admin wrote:You only need to banish the Blue Bird to get the birdcage. This is a very early quest. Once you have that done, you never have to banish blue birds again.

    I never had the bluebird quest. Dors that mean I might still get it? Or is this birdcage sitting in my inventory for nothing now?

    Posts : 969
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    Friend Code : B15B06
    MM Name : rainkid

    Bluebird capture Empty Re: Bluebird capture

    Post  Admin Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:56 pm

    I think you'll probably still get the quest. They all connect to each other so it should turn up.

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    Bluebird capture Empty Re: Bluebird capture

    Post  Ibtessam Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:45 pm

    One tip I heard from a friend, once you catch the blue bird search the kitchen you will get bird milk. It's such a diffecult item to get at early stage. This how I got mine sunny

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