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Butterfly Jak
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    Details of the moon rover


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    Details of the moon rover Empty Details of the moon rover

    Post  Gouofi Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:23 pm

    Someone help, I am so frustrated. I am at the part where I am supposed to get the gravitational tire, the frequency transmitter, analyzer, seismic sensor and the repair kit. I finished the 15 snatchins and 5 UFO's. I was told that after that, I could find these items but I'm not finding them anywhere. Was there another quest I was supposed to do first? The only quests I have are: finding 200 Runestones, getting 10 swamp monsters, the dark adept/pristess quest and a new one where I have to banish the native idol.
    I really don't want to dish out 1200 diamonds which is what it is asking for affraid

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    Post  JenMomma5476 Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:47 pm should have gotten a quest to find the details of Moonrover after you banished the 15 Snatchin Agents. From the description you gave of the quests you have, it does not sound like you did. If I recall properly, you can not receive those items until you have the quest for it. So I would not waste my resources looking for them right now. You may need to contact GI...hahaha, good luck...if the quest has not appeared on the left.
    Butterfly Jak
    Butterfly Jak

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    Details of the moon rover Empty Moonrover Drafts

    Post  Butterfly Jak Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:08 pm

    Interesting you should say that, I'm stuck on collecting the drafts, banished about 4 robots now and few Xenophage with Turtle of Luck and nothing's dropped.......

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    Post  xmilokittyx Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:55 am

    I am stuck in the same situation. I only have 3 quests: the banish 10 adepts/priestesses, the parts of the moonrover quest, and then cure the general. The moonrover quest name is working according to plan," and says to banish robots and xenophages or search rooms w/ the UFO phenomenon. It has been several days and no UFO, and banishing all types of robots and xenophages with turtle running has yielded nothing. So frustrating!

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    Post  babenghiem Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:39 am

    xmilokittyx wrote:I am stuck in the same situation. I only have 3 quests: the banish 10 adepts/priestesses, the parts of the moonrover quest, and then cure the general. The moonrover quest name is working according to plan," and says to banish robots and xenophages or search rooms w/ the UFO phenomenon. It has been several days and no UFO, and banishing all types of robots and xenophages with turtle running has yielded nothing. So frustrating!

    You can stack artifact and certain charms to increase your drop rate. So if you can do the following...

    Charge cornupia, golden calla, Olympic artifact, golden turtle, and declaration (if you still have one). The drop rate to all these item will drop thus you are guaranteed 1-2 drop per banish.

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    Post  FaeryOdd Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:14 pm

    The same thing happened to me (with stacking artifacts though don't have the declaration or Olympics) then all of a sudden they started to drop though still no UFOs which I need for two quests. Is there anything that can encourage that phenomenon?

    Also does anyone know if the Olympic collection will be used again, before the 4 years, I missed that one and it sounds good.

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    Details of the moon rover Empty Re: Details of the moon rover

    Post  Sharbee Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:41 pm

    Gouofi wrote:Someone help, I am so frustrated. I am at the part where I am supposed to get the gravitational tire, the frequency transmitter, analyzer, seismic sensor and the repair kit. I finished the 15 snatchins and 5 UFO's. I was told that after that, I could find these items but I'm not finding them anywhere. Was there another quest I was supposed to do first? The only quests I have are: finding 200 Runestones, getting 10 swamp monsters, the dark adept/pristess quest and a new one where I have to banish the native idol.
    I really don't want to dish out 1200 diamonds which is what it is asking for affraid

    If you click on the Moonrover at the bottom of your screen, you will see what you need for the parts, such as sensors,analysers etc. You get these from banishing Vacuum, TV, Musical Robots & Xenophages with Oilcans. the exception being the gravitational tyres, which can only be found when a UFO is in a room. You should have got a Quest 'Working according to plan' which shows in left hand side column. You can check what each robot drops by examining it first. Whether it will drop is another matter. You must use a Turtle of Luck at least for any chance. Expect 10 banishings of each to yield just one part. Banishing Snatchins in between them helps the odds I think, especially after they drop rubbish.

    And, I don't get any phenomena anymore after the Xmas update & I sent a ticket and the response I got back was absolutely worthless. I'll post it somewhere for a laugh.

    PS. I'm with you on the Diamond cost shocks, 240 just for the 10 Grav Tyres alone is outrageous!

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