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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

2 posters

    Horseshoes (Hi!)


    Posts : 11
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    Join date : 2012-12-09
    Friend Code : e3f632
    MM Name : Gupfee

    Horseshoes (Hi!) Empty Horseshoes (Hi!)

    Post  Gupfee Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:39 pm

    Hello, new player here, I've been reading the forums for a few days and I love the helpfulness and camaraderie so I've registered.

    My issue at the moment is horseshoes. I have 3 separate quests asking me for horseshoes and my manor is surrounded by gypsies. Help! Smile

    The horseshoes are not dropping at a rate to finish the quests and then I also have 2 quests that insist I have to trade them with gypsies.

    Is there any way to ask for horseshoes/increase their drops?

    Thank you!
    A ipad

    Posts : 15
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    Join date : 2012-08-18
    Friend Code : 6148dd

    Horseshoes (Hi!) Empty Re: Horseshoes (Hi!)

    Post  A ipad Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:11 pm

    The easiest way to get horseshoes is to charge a collection. Depending on what kind of horseshoes you need depends on which collection needs to be charged. If you need copper horseshoes you should charge the dark horses collection. If you don't have the horses put them on your wish list and someone will help you out. You can add me as a friend and I can send you a horse. The other thing to do is to explore rooms with a turtle running so more collection items drop. If you don't have or want to buy a turtle their are other charms you can buy with coins to increase your drop rate.

    Posts : 11
    Points : 4318
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2012-12-09
    Friend Code : e3f632
    MM Name : Gupfee

    Horseshoes (Hi!) Empty Re: Horseshoes (Hi!)

    Post  Gupfee Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:15 pm

    Thanks, I've added your code.

    I need copper horseshoes for Jones and Joanna (40/30), silver for Joanna (30) and gold for Magda (30).I think if I get the 40 it will count for both Jones and Joanna, right? Not sure how that works, but I know other quests have ticked off quickly because I had already satisfied their requirements in other ways.

    I have one "Turtle of Luck" and one "Golden Turtle of Wisdom", which one should I use? I'm not very good with charms, I forget about them or use them at the wrong time and waste them, so I've been hesitant to use anything I don't have more than one of. (I learned the hard way not to charge a Cornucopia artifact unless I am ready to use it!)

    After reading up on various quests, I realize I haven't been playing very strategically at all. :/ But I really enjoy visiting friends and giving gifts, so that part is what I've been focusing on. Wish I had more energy to get some mojo going!

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