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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

2 posters

    Repairing Antique Elevator


    Posts : 6
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    Join date : 2012-10-27

    Repairing Antique Elevator Empty Repairing Antique Elevator

    Post  ron197192064 Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:30 pm

    When attempting to repair the elevator while I still need to unlock it, the quest says I need 600 units of energy. Is there somewhere I can earn or get the energy without using diamonds to buy it? I have all the tools, but where to get these energy cells???

    Posts : 87
    Points : 4590
    Reputation : 9
    Join date : 2012-07-23
    Friend Code : 4af728
    MM Name : XYZ

    Repairing Antique Elevator Empty Re: Repairing Antique Elevator

    Post  someoneXYZ Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:50 pm

    ron197192064 wrote:When attempting to repair the elevator while I still need to unlock it, the quest says I need 600 units of energy. Is there somewhere I can earn or get the energy without using diamonds to buy it? I have all the tools, but where to get these energy cells???

    The elevator available in FB version but not in iPad version now.

    Charm Combinations to Push You Along FAST!

    What to Use: Golden Phoenix followed by Silver Flaming Heart
    What it Does: 1 energy recharge per second for 30 minutes.
    Can be used serially: Yes - total of 3 SFHs will cover the 90 minutes of Golden Phoenix time

    What to Use: Golden Phoenix followed by Golden Flaming Heart
    What it Does: 1 energy recharge per second for 90 minutes
    Can be used serially: N/A
    Details please note the link below:

      Current date/time is Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:58 pm