I have charged several collections that give flame throwers and infra bullets. I have looked in my inventory and can't find them. Two questions....where are they in inventory category and what do you use them for?
2 posters
Infra bullets and flame throwers
Foxmom- Posts : 4
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Join date : 2013-03-31
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Infra bullets and flame throwers
belle MM- Posts : 27
Points : 4466
Reputation : 4
Join date : 2012-07-29
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Re: Infra bullets and flame throwers
Foxmom wrote:I have charged several collections that give flame throwers and infra bullets. I have looked in my inventory and can't find them. Two questions....where are they in inventory category and what do you use them for?
As you collect them, you can find them in collection 130 under your collections tab. You use them to fight various bosses. The battles are to gain access to the crypt, vampire castle, ice castle, pyramid and the animatorium using those weapons along with the items in collections 131 and 132.