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    How can I get vacuum cleaners?


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    MM Name : Martino

    How can I get vacuum cleaners? Empty How can I get vacuum cleaners?

    Post  Martino Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:24 pm

    How can I get vacuum cleaners to use banishing the smuggling robots?
    Anyone any ideas?

    Posts : 167
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    MM Name : PegWalt

    How can I get vacuum cleaners? Empty How can I get vacuum Cleaners?

    Post  PegWalt Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:19 pm

    Martino wrote:How can I get vacuum cleaners to use banishing the smuggling robots?
    Anyone any ideas?
    Hey, Martino!
    There is a glitch with the Vacuum cleaner! It never showed up when I was on that quest. Sent a ticket to GI and never got a pertinent response! So, just search Selene & Mars rooms.
    Keyser Söze

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    How can I get vacuum cleaners? Empty Re: How can I get vacuum cleaners?

    Post  Keyser Söze Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:41 pm

    I wonder if GI expects us to buy them. I never found any, nor had any of my friends found any.

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