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    Game and Gifting so SLOW


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    Game and Gifting so SLOW Empty Game and Gifting so SLOW

    Post  Poppy Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:38 am

    Has anyone else noticed how slow the response time is to "thank" a player for a gift? It used to be so much faster. Accepting the gift is quick, but the thank is so slow.

    Not to mention the constant slow load times of everything else in the game, like friends pages and that new "please wait" screen. That has got to go. Like I have a choice but to wait?? Put up some hot mans face while I'm waiting instead.

    With modern technology the way it is, I believe they could make the game response time a whole lot faster if they wanted to. No, I'm not a big fan of GI.

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    Game and Gifting so SLOW Empty Re: Game and Gifting so SLOW

    Post  Skyler Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:33 am

    Poppy wrote:Has anyone else noticed how slow the response time is to "thank" a player for a gift?  It used to be so much faster. Accepting the gift is quick, but the thank is so slow.

    Not to mention the constant slow load times of everything else in the game, like friends pages and that new "please wait" screen. That has got to go. Like I have a choice but to wait??  Put up some hot mans face while I'm waiting instead.

    With modern technology the way it is, I believe they could make the game response time a whole lot faster if they wanted to. No, I'm not a big fan of GI.

    If I am not mistaken, these were put in place to circumvent the glitches of searching rooms in particular modes via another persons manor. It was an awesome glitch but was stopped when the delayed thank you's and please waits's starting popping up.

    Posts : 311
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    MM Name : Knitwit

    Game and Gifting so SLOW Empty Re: Game and Gifting so SLOW

    Post  Poppy Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:49 am

    Helpful info. Sorry I missed that glitch.

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