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    Intricate locks


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    Intricate locks Empty Intricate locks

    Post  LyraSilvertongue Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:58 pm

    Hi. I've got the intricate lock quest which says you should get these from the right gypsy boy or man. I've looked all day but can't find who has them. Can anyone help me please?

    Intricate locks Empty Re: Intricate locks

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:33 pm

    I remember getting those. Now, it's best to use a turtle of luck to banish the gypsys so you can get the locks...I wanna say without it it's about 5:1 ratio...

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    Intricate locks Empty Re: Intricate locks

    Post  Mbstr8k Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:31 pm

    LyraSilvertongue wrote:Hi. I've got the intricate lock quest which says you should get these from the right gypsy boy or man. I've looked all day but can't find who has them. Can anyone help me please?

    I finished that one recently, too. I only banished the male GYPSY to get them, b/c I had the silver horse shoes from the horse collection. I think I also had a friend or two give me some.

    Right now I only have 2 out of 103 friends that have the male gypsys (ie not baron, etc). I'm getting bored going back and forth to get them! LOL

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    Intricate locks Empty Re: Intricate locks

    Post  Admin Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:02 pm

    I got the lock from Gypsy Boy. I had more copper horse shoes than silver at the time. I think I had to banish about 10-20 to get it.

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