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    Knight's Steed


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    Knight's Steed Empty Knight's Steed

    Post  JazzySasha Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:17 pm

    Newbie here!

    I traded with the gypsy and obtained the Knight's Steed - but I don't know how to "shoe" him and return him to the knight.

    Can anyone tell me what I should do please?

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    MM Name : Trekker

    Knight's Steed Empty Re: Knight's Steed

    Post  Trekker Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:43 pm

    What you'll need to do next is get 30 golden horseshoes. They take a long time to drop in rooms (at least for me), so the easiest way would be to complete the Hand of Midas artifact, which will give you all the golden horseshoes you need.

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    Knight's Steed Empty Re: Knight's Steed

    Post  JazzySasha Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:55 am

    Thank you very much!
    Very Happy

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    Knight's Steed Empty Further question....

    Post  JazzySasha Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:19 pm

    ....I did as suggested and got the golden horseshoes. Nothing happened with the Knight's Steed. So I went into the hallway and found the objects.....still nothing happened.

    So I traded again with the Elder Gypsy and got another Knight's Steed, thinking maybe I had to get the Steed AFTER the golden horseshoes. Cleared the hallway again, still nothing.

    I must be doing something wrong or not doing something I should be doing?

    Can someone please help?

    PS I now have two Steeds ans still have thirty golden horseshoes.

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    MM Name : Trekker

    Knight's Steed Empty Re: Knight's Steed

    Post  Trekker Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:37 pm

    I wonder if you have a different quest than I do? Mine just asks for the Knight's Steed and 30 golden horseshoes, all of which will be taken away when the quest is completed. (Haven't been able to charge the Hand of Midas artifact because I'm always short on charging items.)

    Is your quest represented by a golden horseshoe icon, and narrated by Magda?

    Also, what are the extra objects you were required to find? I don't have that on my quest.

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    Knight's Steed Empty Re: Knight's Steed

    Post  LaVentosa Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:08 pm

    I'm on the same quest. "The Knight's Steed". I've had it for a while, used Turtles in the last week - no golden horseshoe. So I probably will be charging the Midas Artifact to get them as well.
    I did not yet trade with the Elder Gypsy, as I hope the horseshoes will be the "get the green marker and then you can use them" - kind of questpart. That way I could trade them before I get the Steed and not loose both.

    Anyone experience with handling that one this way?

    I do not have other objects in this quest either confused - though I remember that I had to search the hallway several times for the Knight there in order to get the steeds quest.

    @Jazzy Did you quit MM completely? Or perhaps search Magdas room? Perhaps there is another quest you have to clear before that one? (tough I wouldn't know wich one that could be, as mine just popped up after finishing the one before, I think...)

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    Knight's Steed Empty Re: Knight's Steed

    Post  Admin Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:18 pm

    When I had the quest, I did charge Midas Artifact. I could not find any golden horseshoes.

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    MM Name : Trekker

    Knight's Steed Empty Re: Knight's Steed

    Post  Trekker Tue May 01, 2012 9:04 pm

    Whoa....I finally completed this quest (charged the Hand of Midas). Word of advice...whatever you do, do NOT charge the Suitcases and Handbags collection unless you have more than one of each. After the Knight's Steed was completed, almost every piece of suitcase and bags were needed for quests immediately following it.

    I am SO glad I hadn't charged that collection!

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    Knight's Steed Empty Re: Knight's Steed

    Post  Admin Wed May 02, 2012 2:02 am

    You must have gained a level from all that experience!

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