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    New fun one!


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    New fun one! Empty New fun one!

    Post  ycul Tue May 01, 2012 3:22 pm

    Ok so.....

    What is your favorite object in the entire manor?

    Mine is the little alien guy typing away at the typewriter in Room 51. He makes e giggle every time I see him. Laughing

    What is your lease favorite object in the entire manor

    Hands down for me is that ever so creepy tarantula spider. It gives me the total creeps every time I see it. Expecially in the fortune telling room when it is on the back of the chair. OMG its huge! affraid

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    New fun one! Empty Re: New fun one!

    Post  Admin Wed May 02, 2012 2:10 am

    My favorite item would have to be the Space Food. It's easy to find, and gives great bonuses.

    My least favorite item - keys. They're small and hard to find, and always wind up in the craziest places, like a fireplace.


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    MM Name : debinapril

    New fun one! Empty Re: New fun one!

    Post  Debinapril Wed May 02, 2012 5:14 am

    Oh I know what my least favourite object is - hands down - the bow in the Dressing Room. The number of times I've failed to find it!............Grrrrr

    My fav? - Hmmm not sure - maybe the diver's mask at the moment because they are so hard to get and I want to charge the Beach Collection as many times as I can before it disappears - the rewards are so........ rewarding! Laughing

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    New fun one! Empty Re: New fun one!

    Post  engineer Wed May 02, 2012 1:23 pm

    Debinapril wrote:Oh I know what my least favourite object is - hands down - the bow in the Dressing Room. The number of times I've failed to find it!............Grrrrr

    My fav? - Hmmm not sure - maybe the diver's mask at the moment because they are so hard to get and I want to charge the Beach Collection as many times as I can before it disappears - the rewards are so........ rewarding! Laughing

    Haha. Yeah, I have the places the bow could be memorized because it stumped me the first few times I explored that room. Let's see...yellow bow on the pink shoes, purple bow on the fabric on the couch, red bow on the red purse on the shelf, black bow on the white purse on the shelf, purple bow on the mannequin... is that all of them?? Razz

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    New fun one! Empty Re: New fun one!

    Post  Debinapril Thu May 03, 2012 7:38 am

    engineer wrote:
    Debinapril wrote:Oh I know what my least favourite object is - hands down - the bow in the Dressing Room. The number of times I've failed to find it!............Grrrrr

    My fav? - Hmmm not sure - maybe the diver's mask at the moment because they are so hard to get and I want to charge the Beach Collection as many times as I can before it disappears - the rewards are so........ rewarding! Laughing

    Haha. Yeah, I have the places the bow could be memorized because it stumped me the first few times I explored that room. Let's see...yellow bow on the pink shoes, purple bow on the fabric on the couch, red bow on the red purse on the shelf, black bow on the white purse on the shelf, purple bow on the mannequin... is that all of them?? Razz

    Ha ha - yes, good for you. I think I know where they are now even if I can't see them. The one on the fabric is almost impossible to see.
    If ever there was a room designed for 'the bomb'........know what I mean ;-)

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    New fun one! Empty Re: New fun one!

    Post  pianofingers Thu May 03, 2012 8:08 am

    How about the locations of a frickin' diamond? Oops I meant African Diamond!

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    New fun one! Empty Re: New fun one!

    Post  engineer Thu May 03, 2012 1:03 pm

    pianofingers wrote:How about the locations of a frickin' diamond? Oops I meant African Diamond!
    haha I posted this in some other thread somewhere, but yeah I have those memorized too:
    1-Sky in the left-most window
    2-Underneath the stool in the hut
    3-Next to the drum on the floor
    4-Next to the horn on the floor
    5-Next to the statue on the ledge on the right

    I think those are all of them... Smile

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    New fun one! Empty Re: New fun one!

    Post  ycul Thu May 03, 2012 3:01 pm

    I too have the diamond places memorized. Find it every time... Thanks for listing them before. Huge help!!! Very Happy

    P.S. Pianofingers, Did the Sakura room today in 33 seconds. In the light with a magnet. Shocked me. Just one of those times when you see everything very clearly.

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    New fun one! Empty Re: New fun one!

    Post  pianofingers Thu May 03, 2012 9:53 pm

    That's great! I love the Sakura room too, but that scroll gets me every time. Mad

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