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    It's Not That Serious...


    It's Not That Serious... Empty It's Not That Serious...

    Post  Guest Thu May 03, 2012 2:24 pm

    So, a friend on MM posted to my wall with the message saying "I sent you a mask, please if you can send me a revolver. You have six of them."

    To which I politely replied, "I will send the revolver, but please don't send me something and ask for something back. Please ask me first."

    To which they replied, "It's not that serious, I looked and saw that you had most of what I had so I gave you what I could. You can take the revolver back."

    I told them that they could keep the revolver, I just might have wanted to trade for something else, but they said just send their gift back. So I had to leave for work, but when I got home and checked MM this person had returned the revolver and deleted me from their friend list, without getting their mask back (which I was going to return).

    Now, I understand that this is just a game, but I felt they were a little rude with the whole situation considering I was being polite and did complete the trade. I mean, common courtesy says ask first, don't just assume.

    How do you guys feel about people who send things then post for something in return and/or ask you to send them something without offering a trade?

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    It's Not That Serious... Empty Re: It's Not That Serious...

    Post  ycul Thu May 03, 2012 2:57 pm

    I think it's very rude and sad that some feel so entitled.

    I had this happen a few times by 2 different friends . My first instinct was to send them the item back and delete them... Then I thought about it and maybe this is the way they play the game or were showed how to play by other friends. I sent them the item they wanted and waited for it to happen again. If it did I was going to send them a short note about taking advantage of friends, etc! Well luckily for me it did not happen again and this player has been quite nice. At the moment I am glad I did not delete in haste. But I don't trust them completely and I am still waiting for it to happen but at least now I have a slight rapport with this friend and can explain my point easier. The other person that tried it has gone quiet!

    When folks post messages on my wall saying "Please send me this item" I delete the post! No harm no foul. If they persist I delete them. I had a friend that I had no interaction with do this everyday until I just got fed up!!!

    On the flip side I like to send out gifts to certain friends almost every day. If they have something on their WL that I have many of, I will send it to them. I certainly do not expect a gift in return. I like to help a fellow friend. Most of these friends are from this web site so they are extra special indeed!!! cheers

    It's Not That Serious... Empty Re: It's Not That Serious...

    Post  Guest Thu May 03, 2012 3:08 pm

    I find it really annoying and super rude. If you want a trade it should be offered not demanded. And trades should be fair. Don't offer a fork for a flask. Yes it is a game and in the big picture not that serious. However, players put a lot of time and effort into obtaining items and to simply demand an item is not, in my opinion, how you should treat other players. I have a handful of friends that send me collection items often. These friends are different. They know I have crashing problems when visiting friends. I have no problem with them asking for a certain item. I encourage it because it makes it easier for me:) but a random friend..... Not so much.

    It's Not That Serious... Empty Re: It's Not That Serious...

    Post  Guest Fri May 04, 2012 3:14 am

    I fell both of you. There are certain friends that have given me multiple items when I ask for a trade or that I do constantly trade with. I'll give them whatever they need no matter what it is if I have it...others, I do appreciate when they ask.

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    It's Not That Serious... Empty Re: It's Not That Serious...

    Post  Debinapril Fri May 04, 2012 9:41 am

    Oh I've had this too. Send me this xx/x (code for item) no please or anything, just a demand. I was a bit taken aback at first and then I looked at the sender and decided that English wasn't their first language. But I would have hoped they could have managed 'please' at the very least. Laughing I ignored these requests and after about 3 they stopped coming.

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    It's Not That Serious... Empty Trade ettiquite (sp)

    Post  summerville Fri May 04, 2012 1:31 pm

    Is it rude to ask someone to gift or trade so ething with the offer that they can chose from what you have? ( in other words, let them check my collection and make an offer). I don't necessarily know off the top of my head what is a fair trade, so I figure leave it up to the person from whom you ar asking a favor. I had a similar r experience with the perceived rudeness, I offered a trade and the person messaged me (item) sent, now send ( item ) promised. I was like whoa dude give me a minute! But my assumption was that it was a cultural/translation thing. This can get a little serious!

    It's Not That Serious... Empty Re: It's Not That Serious...

    Post  Guest Fri May 04, 2012 6:31 pm

    Kelly L wrote:Is it rude to ask someone to gift or trade so ething with the offer that they can chose from what you have? ( in other words, let them check my collection and make an offer). I don't necessarily know off the top of my head what is a fair trade, so I figure leave it up to the person from whom you ar asking a favor. I had a similar r experience with the perceived rudeness, I offered a trade and the person messaged me (item) sent, now send ( item ) promised. I was like whoa dude give me a minute! But my assumption was that it was a cultural/translation thing. This can get a little serious!

    I don't think it is rude but it bothers me when someone makes me that kind of offer. Reason is that my game crashes.........a lot. I can spend days (yes DAYS) trying to get to a certain friends page (ycul I'll get there eventually!) so it can be rather difficult for me to see someone's collection to pick something. I would say something like: would you trade my..... For your...... If that isn't ok pick another item from my collection thanks!

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    It's Not That Serious... Empty Re: It's Not That Serious...

    Post  ycul Sat May 05, 2012 12:33 am

    sfinley ibrahim wrote (ycul I'll get there eventually!)

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    It's Not That Serious... Empty Re: It's Not That Serious...

    Post  Admin Sat May 05, 2012 1:06 pm

    That's right. It isn't that serious. It really isn't about how much a person has to give. It really is about being courteous.

    When friends do this to me, I tend to send the item if I have many of them. Then I keep them in mind for the next round of weekly friend-chopping-block.


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    It's Not That Serious... Empty Re: It's Not That Serious...

    Post  engineer Sun May 06, 2012 4:59 pm

    Kelly L wrote:Is it rude to ask someone to gift or trade so ething with the offer that they can chose from what you have? ( in other words, let them check my collection and make an offer). I don't necessarily know off the top of my head what is a fair trade, so I figure leave it up to the person from whom you ar asking a favor. I had a similar r experience with the perceived rudeness, I offered a trade and the person messaged me (item) sent, now send ( item ) promised. I was like whoa dude give me a minute! But my assumption was that it was a cultural/translation thing. This can get a little serious!

    I think it's probably more of a reminder than somebody thinking your welching on your side of the deal. Sometimes if you have a lot of trades going or don't manage your wall well you can lose track. On the other hand, I usually don't prefer the "choose anything" method of trading because it's more difficult to do. I will still trade that way though Smile

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