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    Exercise and playing mystery manor


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    Exercise and playing mystery manor Empty Exercise and playing mystery manor

    Post  Mbstr8k Fri May 18, 2012 10:31 am

    Ok....I need to get moving.

    Today I have promised to exercise my body (mowing the lawn),' my heart (playing with infinite energy and a turtle--my heart gets a good workout with the adrenaline pump), and my mind (trying to create an achievements guide). Mowing must come first and my reward will be playing MM.

    Does anyone else have the same internal argument'? MM or move? I think I'm getting MM gut........

    Btw I went antiquing this week at an Asian store and had to tap on every foo dog I saw. My friend thought I was crazy!:-)

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    Exercise and playing mystery manor Empty Re: Exercise and playing mystery manor

    Post  Admin Fri May 18, 2012 10:01 pm

    Hah! You should have taken a photo and posted it here. Very Happy

    Sometimes, I do play while working at home. A lot of my work involves waiting for things to finish, so I am able to sneak in MM room searches.

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    MM Name : Mooscrat

    Exercise and playing mystery manor Empty Re: Exercise and playing mystery manor

    Post  Mooscrat Sat May 19, 2012 12:46 am

    My day is always filled with crazy amounts of this needs done immediately mm is like candy coated zen. Licorice meditation even. Nirvana...just one tap below the besom Wink


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    Exercise and playing mystery manor Empty Re: Exercise and playing mystery manor

    Post  Mbstr8k Sat May 19, 2012 12:42 pm

    Admin wrote:Hah! You should have taken a photo and posted it here. Very Happy

    Sometimes, I do play while working at home. A lot of my work involves waiting for things to finish, so I am able to sneak in MM room searches.

    I hope you mean a pix of the foo dog one wants to see picture of the developing MM gut. lol!


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    Location : Ohio
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    MM Name : Mooscrat

    Exercise and playing mystery manor Empty Re: Exercise and playing mystery manor

    Post  Mooscrat Mon May 21, 2012 7:58 pm

    lol...i have now seen my wife and my mom who always plays do this as well...i wonder if we can get a small time syndrome named after MM for the impulse to tap RL game items....

    Altough we could get a good game of how many manor items can u find in 1 store going Wink


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    Location : Indonesia and N.C. USA
    MM Name : ycul

    Exercise and playing mystery manor Empty Re: Exercise and playing mystery manor

    Post  ycul Tue May 22, 2012 12:34 am

    I need to get out shopping more! Bet I could find lots of stuff around these parts of Asia! lol!

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