Flipper Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:50 am
I finally got the Emerald quest. I summoned the Idol, and when it didn't go to another room than the bedroom, I explored that room. Then only a curse was left in that room. Then, summoning a new Idol, it will never go to a room with a curse. So after a while, it only appeared in the bedroom (don't forget to remove the curse from the bedroom if the emerald doesn't drop.
I had the Idol 10 times in the bedroom yesterday and this morning, and the 10th time it dropped. Funny thing is, for the first 7 times I used a turtle of luck, and for the last 3 times, nothing special, not even an explorer friend.
This method will probably work with the Neptune quest too. Maybe there is a limit to the amount of rooms with a phenomenon, but as said, you can just banish them if you leave the curses alone (except for the bathroom in this case).
Took me 182 diamonds though, glad for the synthesizer.
Last edited by Flipper on Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total