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3 posters

    Bradburys Spaceship


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    Bradburys Spaceship Empty Bradburys Spaceship

    Post  anthpatty8 Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:42 am

    Does anyone know where the Bradbury's Spaceship can be found? I know the Xenophenage drops it but I've ran out of guns.

    Anyone have a spare I can trade?
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    Bradburys Spaceship Empty Re: Bradburys Spaceship

    Post  Dazza JP Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:09 am

    anthpatty8 wrote:Does anyone know where the Bradbury's Spaceship can be found? I know the Xenophenage drops it but I've ran out of guns.

    Anyone have a spare I can trade?

    You can get this from searching the UFO, I'm at expert level and it is listed there, but I'm sure I had it drop on levels below that too. I haven't one to give at the mo, but will let you know if it drops for me today and then you can have it.

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    Bradburys Spaceship Empty Re: Bradburys Spaceship

    Post  Admin Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:58 pm

    anthpatty8 wrote:Does anyone know where the Bradbury's Spaceship can be found? I know the Xenophenage drops it but I've ran out of guns.

    Anyone have a spare I can trade?

    Put the laser gun on your wishlist. Lots of people would be happy to give you some. Very Happy

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