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4 posters

    How the FCS came to be


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    MM Name : rainkid

    How the FCS came to be Empty How the FCS came to be

    Post  Admin Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:48 pm

    The story goes like this:

    I have a friend. Let's call her 'Rae' (name changed to protect the guilty).

    So, Rae is a bad Mystery Manor player. Really. She is. Poor strategy. Poor planning. Wasteful with diamonds. Rae and I are also against spending money on games (being poor and all). So, when Rae asked me to help her get diamonds, I said 'Sure. I'll find them, read them to you - you just enter them in.'

    Lo' and behold, she got some diamonds with little effort on her part. One time, she was able to get about 300 diamonds in about 2 hours - most of that time was due to me searching for friend codes. (After those two hours, I was seeing double!)

    Of course, Rae doesn't reciprocate very well, so one day, I said to her 'I don't need you! I'll have my computer read out friend codes for me!' as a joke. Few minutes later, after a few tests, I realized it is a viable plan.

    And so... that quiet Saturday afternoon, I sat alone at my desk for 3 hours, and the Friend Code Synthesizer was born.

    I debated for a little while on whether or not to share the FCS with the world. I decided to because there is always more joy in sharing the things we create.

    Rae continues to play poorly, despite all the diamonds.


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    MM Name : Jill

    How the FCS came to be Empty Re: How the FCS came to be

    Post  Jillllll Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:43 pm

    This is a cute story Wink

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    How the FCS came to be Empty Re: How the FCS came to be

    Post  LaVentosa Thu May 10, 2012 2:55 pm

    oh - wonderful. Smile

    the Italians say: "se non e vero, è ben trovato"
    meaning - even if it wasn't true, it is a beautiful story.

    Posts : 969
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    MM Name : rainkid

    How the FCS came to be Empty Re: How the FCS came to be

    Post  Admin Thu May 10, 2012 11:57 pm

    Too bad it is true. She has gotten better though, and have beaten my level. Sad

    Posts : 363
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    MM Name : LaVentosa

    How the FCS came to be Empty Re: How the FCS came to be

    Post  LaVentosa Fri May 11, 2012 4:41 am

    Admin wrote:Too bad it is true. She has gotten better though, and have beaten my level. Sad

    Maybe. Wink But while she got better and rose in levels, you have created a very helpful tool for "man(or)kind" Smile
    aaaand ....built up this forum for which alone you will reside in the eternal halls of glory until the stars begin to fall or the internet crashes down.
    so, there. I'll be your friend anyday. Smile

    Posts : 14
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    MM Name : Jamedon

    How the FCS came to be Empty Re: How the FCS came to be

    Post  Jamedon Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:52 am

    LaVentosa wrote:
    Admin wrote:Too bad it is true. She has gotten better though, and have beaten my level. Sad

    Maybe. Wink But while she got better and rose in levels, you have created a very helpful tool for "man(or)kind" Smile
    aaaand ....built up this forum for which alone you will reside in the eternal halls of glory until the stars begin to fall or the internet crashes down.
    so, there. I'll be your friend anyday. Smile

    LOL!!! I totally second what LaVentosa said!! You are a goddess (or a God? Hahaha - just saw another thread and I think I might have been a little presumptuous because of your avatar!!! So....inserting this edit here!!). Thank you SO much. I am working on not being a Rae...I'm ashamed to say it, but I think I very well could be. I'm starting to catch on now....thanks to MMUFF! You are saving us from ourselves. I heart you!

    Last edited by Jamedon on Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Gender reference error?? Lol!)

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