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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

Dazza JP
44 posters

    Now that we know where you're from


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    Now that we know where you're from - Page 3 Empty Re: Now that we know where you're from

    Post  Avis Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:25 am

    Soooo glad to see the post from PegIWalt I was beginning to feel I was the oldest Mm player in the universe, I'm 60 (61 next month) have you noticed that it's only when you're very young or 'quite' old that you feel the need to expand on the actual age to include 'nearly'!!

    Like the earlier poster I'm a golfer and like to counteract sitting in my armchair for ages clicking on the 'send thank you' button in MM by walking round the golf course. In between I work full time, garden and have fun with my grandchildren - one of whom is an MMer and plays golf (guess who my favourite granddaughter is!! ssshhhh don't tell the others!).

    Been into computers for years - ever since my son got his ZX81. I bought myself a Coomodore 64 and it was all downhill from there. I loved the old text based adventures, the replies were so sarcastic sometimes, the graphics may be awesome in the new ones but the cerebral aspect seems to have gone it's more based on eyesight to see the little bit you're meant to click on!!

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    Now that we know where you're from - Page 3 Empty Re: Now that we know where you're from

    Post  Rthurits Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:53 pm

    Soozicle wrote:Well I have been a "text based game" gamer since before "gamer" was a word, but I suck at and get incredibly frustrated with even 15 year old adventure games. Remember in the movie BIG where at the beginning Josh (as a child) was playing a computer game that was asking him what he wanted to do next? I played an even more primitive version of that type of game back in those days!!! At the time ours was the only house I knew of that had a "computer" of all my friends. Can you believe how far we've come?? Did we ever really believe that the kid-with-awesome-technology movies from the 80's would ever come true, much less come much closer to Star Trek technology, in our life times?!?! Some times I can't believe this "tablet" I carry around with me is actually a micro computer/communication device/gaming console/Recipe book/atlas/self contained mobile library/shopping mechanism/1000 other things... When you stop and think about it, all this stuff the kids these days take for granted, it really is awesome! But then I did walk barefoot up hill to school in the snow, both ways. afro

    First, Happy Birthday Sooz!! I would have gifted you more yesterday if I could have. LOL
    You guys are making me feel old. My first computer was a TRS80. You will have to look it up because none of you probably have ever heard of it I am sure. That was back in the good ole days when you actually had to know DOS.
    I am one day older than the gases that created the earth. My mind is still young though. Very Happy
    Sooz are you telling me that this tablet does more than play MM? Dang, I need to pay more attention to that thing.

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    Now that we know where you're from - Page 3 Empty Re: Now that we know where you're from

    Post  jill4444 Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:07 am

    32 in Jacksonville,FL. Originally from Boston, but am currently enjoying not having to shovel snow off my "cah" Wink

    Loving this forum!

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    Now that we know where you're from - Page 3 Empty Re: Now that we know where you're from

    Post  Syara Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:03 pm

    I live in Tucson, Az. Moved here from London, England. (American) . I just turned 50. Female. Played all sorts of games online from Ashrons Call to WoW.
    Cynthia RTR
    Cynthia RTR

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    Now that we know where you're from - Page 3 Empty Re: Now that we know where you're from

    Post  Cynthia RTR Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:13 am

    Hi.... My name is Cynthia.... I'm a recovering MM addict... I'm 50 years old and was born in Texas while my dad was in seminary in Forth Worth... We then moved to Alabama were my parents are from and I lived there until moving to Germany... Lived there almost 6 years... Then back to Alabama until a year ago my husband and I moved to Michigan for a job change... I'm a HUGE Alabama fan... I love animals, children and old people... I truly believe there is good in every one (after FB... I'm not so sure... LOL) and I try to treat others like I would want to be treated... It makes me feel good about myself so that I can do the "Happy Dance" because I'm free of hate, judgement of others, or being prejudice... And don't mess with my children, my family, my friends or my MM... Because I will go a little spider monkey... Lol. Peace to all... And Happy MM Hunting...

    Posts : 84
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    Age : 63
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    MM Name : Sablesrgreat

    Now that we know where you're from - Page 3 Empty Re: Now that we know where you're from

    Post  Sablesrgreat Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:10 pm

    Love finding out about all the MM players! Missed this thread when it was first posted, but thought it might be fun to resurrect.

    I'm Teri when I'm not sablesrgreat, living in KY and turning 52 this someone who posted before me some days feel older than others alien

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    Now that we know where you're from - Page 3 Empty Re: Now that we know where you're from

    Post  Katyc Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:53 pm

    Good idea Sablesgreat,

    I'm Katy (really unsurprising mm name) 37 and from the UK. I have three boys who are all football mad so I hardly get to play at the weekends:) just get cold and muddy!

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    Now that we know where you're from - Page 3 Empty Re: Now that we know where you're from

    Post  ociboys Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:52 pm

    Mm name, ociboys. Friend of katyc too. From USA, Connecticut. I have a 17 yr old son, aspiring musician and golfer. Enjoy meeting new friends. Game name is from my kitties, ocicats named Lenny and Squiggy from tv show Laverne and Shirley.

    Posts : 84
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    Age : 63
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    MM Name : Sablesrgreat

    Now that we know where you're from - Page 3 Empty Re: Now that we know where you're from

    Post  Sablesrgreat Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:04 pm

    Ociboys, my 21 year old son is a big cat lover would love yours! He would have quite an assortment, I'm sure except he still lives at home and I am very allergic to them. He has one sweet tuxedo that stays off the places I sit so I can peacefully coexist Laughing

    I love the names...I have two sable collies (hence MM name) called Donnie and Marie!

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