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    Nocturnal Eye Charm?


    Posts : 136
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    MM Name : Karen

    Nocturnal Eye Charm? Empty Nocturnal Eye Charm?

    Post  karen_ni Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:12 am

    I have been trying to collect these for days with a turtle and infinite energy running and haven't had any drop today. I still need 10 and that's with banishing a weakened 1/10 Adept and Priestess. Any suggestions on what type of rooms to look for. Are these the last things I need to banish or are there more monsters after this? It is the only quest showing right now. I can buy the charms but they will cost me 540 diamonds for the 10 I need! Shocked

    Posts : 262
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    Nocturnal Eye Charm? Empty Re: Nocturnal Eye Charm?

    Post  pianofingers Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:09 am

    Search rooms that are in night mode, and also explore all rooms that have phenomena in them. Ask for Explorer tips and use Explorer helpers. You're already using the Turtle, so perhaps add a little more chance with either Cornucopia or Declaration of Independence, or Faberge or Astronaut if you have them. Smile

    Posts : 136
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    Join date : 2012-03-28
    MM Name : Karen

    Nocturnal Eye Charm? Empty Re: Nocturnal Eye Charm?

    Post  karen_ni Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:45 pm

    pianofingers wrote:Search rooms that are in night mode, and also explore all rooms that have phenomena in them. Ask for Explorer tips and use Explorer helpers. You're already using the Turtle, so perhaps add a little more chance with either Cornucopia or Declaration of Independence, or Faberge or Astronaut if you have them. Smile

    That's pretty much what I have been doing. (sigh) I was just hoping there was some magic trick! Very Happy For some reason, I have had an extremely low drop rate with these. By the time I got to this quest, I only had 4 total in inventory! Thank goodness for banishing weakened ones or I would never be able to finish. Please tell me there are no more monsters to banish after this?

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    MM Name : Charlotte

    Nocturnal Eye Charm? Empty Re: Nocturnal Eye Charm?

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:00 pm

    I've had the same problem Karen! I "only" need 6 more to banish weakened priestess and adepts.

    It is my last quest. I'm not going to worry about though, since it shouldn't be a problem after the event ends. At least, I hope it is the last one! Nothing pops up after I clear this duo quest, I hope!

    Posts : 136
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    Reputation : 14
    Join date : 2012-03-28
    MM Name : Karen

    Nocturnal Eye Charm? Empty Re: Nocturnal Eye Charm?

    Post  karen_ni Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:30 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:I've had the same problem Karen! I "only" need 6 more to banish weakened priestess and adepts.

    It is my last quest. I'm not going to worry about though, since it shouldn't be a problem after the event ends. At least, I hope it is the last one! Nothing pops up after I clear this duo quest, I hope!

    It was the last one for me! Miss Impatient over here gave up and bought 3 charms. Very Happy I am just happy I am done! I wish we could trade the charms.

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