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    Ocularis spiritus?


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    Ocularis spiritus? Empty Ocularis spiritus?

    Post  slfranci Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:16 pm

    I've got quite a few items in my inventory that say they are needed to assemble the Ocularis Spiritus. Can anyone tell me what that is and when/where I'll encounter it? Thanks!

    Posts : 284
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    Ocularis spiritus? Empty Re: Ocularis spiritus?

    Post  engineer Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:22 pm

    slfranci wrote:I've got quite a few items in my inventory that say they are needed to assemble the Ocularis Spiritus. Can anyone tell me what that is and when/where I'll encounter it? Thanks!
    That was the name for the crystal heart that needed to be assembled during the valentines event. My guess is now they're useless so don't worry about it!

    Posts : 969
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    MM Name : rainkid

    Ocularis spiritus? Empty Re: Ocularis spiritus?

    Post  Admin Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:23 pm

    slfranci wrote:I've got quite a few items in my inventory that say they are needed to assemble the Ocularis Spiritus. Can anyone tell me what that is and when/where I'll encounter it? Thanks!

    Some information here:

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