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    and gibby was banned again :)


    and gibby was banned again :) Empty and gibby was banned again :)

    Post  Guest Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:04 pm

    This is the message this time...

    You are banned again. And you are not going to be unbanned anymore, because accrding to our database even after starting the game from the very begining you increased your diamonds without purchases and using the friend code.
    This is considered as cheating, because there is no other way to increase diamonds but buying diamonds or using friend codes or level up.

    Not sure why they said this...because I have leveled up since the restart and added friends.

    But if my days with this game are over, I enjoyed meeting all of you Smile

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    and gibby was banned again :) Empty Re: and gibby was banned again :)

    Post  Mogul Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:18 pm

    gibby wrote:You are banned again. And you are not going to be unbanned anymore, because accrding to our database even after starting the game from the very begining you increased your diamonds without purchases and using the friend code.
    This is considered as cheating, because there is no other way to increase diamonds but buying diamonds or using friend codes or level up.

    Not sure why they said this...but I have leveled up since the restart and added friends.

    But if my days with this game are over, I enjoyed meeting all of you Smile

    If "there is no other way to increase diamonds but buying diamonds or using friends codes or level up" how on earth could you have cheated if they themselves are saying there is no possible way that you could have acquired diamonds other than legitimately.

    Hopefully this is not the end for you - you are a great friend.
    Carmen Crying or Very sad

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    and gibby was banned again :) Empty Re: and gibby was banned again :)

    Post  Samc147 Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:30 pm

    that response seems to be a more personal one. Not a computer generated one. I think they are just picking on you now. oh Gibby don't give up xx

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    and gibby was banned again :) Empty Re: and gibby was banned again :)

    Post  lynnhas Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:13 pm

    Gibby, this is ridiculously terrible! You are probably screwed now, too. It sounds like GI has it out for you. I love how they are so quick to accuse people of cheating - issuing warnings without investigating. Then, when asked for clarification, they give stock replies that don't make sense and are not apropos to the situation. I guess they don't have a due process ideology in Russia. I was accused three times of "time acceleration" just because my iPad was switching between 3G and wi-fi. Luckily for me, I didn't get banned, just some warnings. But if I do get banned, I'm going to quit for sure. It is just a game! Aren't our lives stressful enough without this nonsense from GI?

    By the way, isn't GI "cheating", in a way, when they don't fix bugs such as flashlights not working - flashlights that some players have spent real money on. Or when the game crashes when using charms and the charms disappear. Threre are so many problems with the game!

    I hope you have a nice life, Gibby! I'm really sorry about your banishment, but maybe now you can get out and enjoy reality, your family and (real - lol) friends. Or maybe you can find another fun game to excel at - one that isn't so frustrating!


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    and gibby was banned again :) Empty This sucks!

    Post  Chezzy Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:11 pm

    Oh Gibby, this is rubbish.....I had gone off the game when I first heard that they banned you but this is ridiculous. Unfair yet again, and clearly if they spent as much time fixing the faults as they have spent spying on you then we would all be happier.

    Would serve them right if we all just stopped playing (and paying!!)

    Take care Gibby as we wait once again to see if they reinstate you. Wouldn't blame you though if you decide not to waste any more of your time.

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    and gibby was banned again :) Empty Re: and gibby was banned again :)

    Post  Caz Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:39 pm

    How very sad Gibby, don't blame you if you quit, but then GI will have succeeded in getting rid of a good person. Whatever you decide, good luck in the future.


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    and gibby was banned again :) Empty Re: and gibby was banned again :)

    Post  Jamedon Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:39 pm

    Wow. Brutal. I don't even understand that message...are they seriously accusing you of stealing diamonds somehow? I don't get it...if you didn't steal, then how can they do that? Don't they have to abide by some sort of business ethic? Weird. So sorry to hear that you've had such a hard time.

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    and gibby was banned again :) Empty Re: and gibby was banned again :)

    Post  gailg Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:58 am

    gibby wrote:This is the message this time...

    You are banned again. And you are not going to be unbanned anymore, because accrding to our database even after starting the game from the very begining you increased your diamonds without purchases and using the friend code.
    This is considered as cheating, because there is no other way to increase diamonds but buying diamonds or using friend codes or level up.

    Not sure why they said this...because I have leveled up since the restart and added friends.

    But if my days with this game are over, I enjoyed meeting all of you Smile

    So let me get this straight! You increased your diamonds without purchases and using the friend code?? cheating because there is no other way apart from......... So how the hell did you do it????? Actually I agree with the person who said that this is a personal message. What can we do? Write to support on your behalf?? What do you write back to them? This is doing my head in so I can't begin to imagine what's going on with you! For the last week I have had gamesupport47 on my wall. I know this to be a GI tech game because I have dealt with her before. Last week she 'asked' for a bow which I sent back. I was looking through my friends yesterday and there she was, lurking as a friend!!!! so I deleted it. Last night appeared on my wall gamesupport47 again sending "testmesage" (their spelling). So I wrote an email to support to tell them that I considered this to be ill mannered to come uninvited to my manor. I am not doing anything wrong apart from speaking out. I will be very peeved if I get banned! I wonder if anyone else is getting this "person"?

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