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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing


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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing

    Post  paulinelhg Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:06 pm

    Just to share, in anticipation of the full moon quest

    Silver Van Helsing
    1. Charge walking undead x5
    2. Charge Skeleton in closet x5
    3. Charge Night Guest x5
    4. Charge Test tube Monster x5
    5. Charge Werewolf x4

    Golden Van Helsing
    1. Charge Hellspawn x4
    2. Charge Cursed pirate x3
    3. Charge swamp creature x3
    4. Charge dreadful maniacs x2
    5. Charge sleepy hollow horror x2

    Diamond Van Helsing
    1. Charge Keeper of pyramids x5
    2. Charge craft of seduction x5
    3. Charge Eternal wanderer x4
    4. Charge Stone horror x4
    5. Charge raising the undead x3

    Stock up on Flaming skulls, Bullets, aspen and garlic

    unfortunately, I cant put flaming skulls on my Wishlist as it will disappear. Its strange only flaming skull disappear, other items remains on WL. I cant send out request to friends as I have 300+ skulls. Appreciate advice Smile

    Last edited by Mbstr8k on Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:57 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : corrected spelling, thanks LaV :))

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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Re: Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing

    Post  LaVentosa Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:25 pm

    Thanks for sharing that list! - this way we can prepare Wink
    (I think the guy is called Van Helsing - oops... smarty-pants... would be important just for the search function...) Smile

    The flaming skull not staying on the wishlist is a known "bug". It seems only to be the case while there being no full moon event. It couldn't be put on the wishlist before and after, only during so it probably isn't really a bug.

    It was the same with the beachbag from the swimming-event...

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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Re: Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing

    Post  Camille Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:12 pm

    One of my friends has somehow managed to keep the skulls on her list.

    Pauline, the skulls you gift don't get removed from your inventory (and that's the case for all charging items) Smile; you only lose collection items that you gift.


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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty game maintenance

    Post  paulinelhg Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:12 am

    Read that there will be game shutdown for maintenance 2 aug, pst 00:00 , msk 11:00, hkt 15:00.


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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Re: Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing

    Post  andreamritschard Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:42 pm

    Thank you for this-can't believe people can complete all this in one event! For those who didn't, what happens next event, pick up where you left off?

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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Re: Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing

    Post  paulinelhg Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:36 pm

    Its my pleasure Andreamritschard Smile we help one another in mmuff Smile

    Yes, Van Helsing event, the icon that look like warewolf on the right side, will continue from where you stopped.

    I only managed to compete Silver Van Helsing during the first event, despite hours of playing daily for 2 Weeks.

    During the break, i stocked up on garlic, bullet n aspen leave. when Van Helsing event started the second time, for golden Van Helsing , charged all collection (the required number -1), eg, hell spawn 3x, leaving 1x uncharged, just in case there are quest on the left hand side. Weapon drop is rare. In this way, i complete the golden Van Helsing quickly last week.

    there is a difference, in the first n second Van Helsing event, everyone begins together, monsters are more easily found, especially in the top players manor.

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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty "old" van Helsings still good?

    Post  AEpperHud Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:08 am

    I managed to complete, and charge, all three van Helsings about ten days ago, Nd now there is the new event that calls for them. But when I try to collect the reward, my game freezes and I have to restart. Anyone else experiencing this?

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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Re: Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing

    Post  andreamritschard Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:09 pm

    I have loads of crashing in general! When charging collections, viewing friends collections, requesting gifts, so I'm not surprised to hear this. You could try shutting your iPad down before trying to collect the reward. I can usually get a few collections charged that way!

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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Re: Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing

    Post  Jade Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:32 pm


    Just wondering, do I have to charge d golden rose to get more quests for d Van Helsing event???

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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Re: Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing

    Post  Sakura Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:52 pm

    Jade wrote:Hi,

    Just wondering, do I have to charge d golden rose to get more quests for d Van Helsing event???
    Yes jade, if u charge it then you will have a new quest and that's happened to me:)

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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Re: Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing

    Post  LaVentosa Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:14 pm

    Jade wrote:Hi, Just wondering, do I have to charge d golden rose to get more quests for d Van Helsing event???
    Indeed you are going to go from one golden flower to the next - in the end you will have charged them all - I had them running all together - what an exhausting day that was!

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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Question for those who've completed Full Moon Quests AND Events

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:07 pm

    I am about to complete the last two events -- charging Gargoyles and Undead I believe ---- I have already completed all the quests.

    For those who have completed both the quests and the events of the Full Moon has this prevented you from seeing the monsters in your friend's manors on subsequent full moons? Question

    If so, I'm thinking I want to hold off finishing the last EVENT in the string, so I can continue to have weapons drop and use them against monsters. I've found I can level up nicely by banishing monsters.

    (For those who haven't finished the QUESTS -- don't use your weapons to banish monsters you haven't had a quest for, save them until you get the quest! -- see GUIDE to the Full Moon QUESTS.)


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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Re: Guide: Full Moon EVENTS -- Van Helsing

    Post  Camille Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:26 am

    Mbstr8k wrote:
    I am about to complete the last two events -- charging Gargoyles and Undead I believe ---- I have already completed all the quests.

    For those who have completed both the quests and the events of the Full Moon has this prevented you from seeing the monsters in your friend's manors on subsequent full moons? Question

    If so, I'm thinking I want to hold off finishing the last EVENT in the string, so I can continue to have weapons drop and use them against monsters. I've found I can level up nicely by banishing monsters.

    (For those who haven't finished the QUESTS -- don't use your weapons to banish monsters you haven't had a quest for, save them until you get the quest! -- see GUIDE to the Full Moon QUESTS.)

    I finished both the event and quests the first time around. I continue to see the full moon mosters, each time the event occurs, at my friends' manors and the weapons continue to drop after searching rooms.

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    Guide: Full Moon EVENTS --  Van Helsing Empty Finish The event but not The quest

    Post  Adrianahdzp Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:03 pm

    I charged all diplomas, Got the 3 van Helsing... Do I need to finish the quests too? What is the final prize?

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