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    Friend is not my friend?


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    Friend is not my friend? Empty Friend is not my friend?

    Post  Tasch Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:53 am

    I have a friend, whom i can not gift or tip. When i do rounds and visit friends for giving tips or gifts, there is one that is shown with one name in the friends console and another name when visiting. I can neither tip nor gift - get the message, that he/she is no friend of mine.
    I find that strange. Has anybody had this happen as well?
    Thanks ;-)

    Posts : 97
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    Friend is not my friend? Empty Me too.

    Post  Sharbee Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:23 am

    I had the same. I could request a gift from them however and I would receive it, yet I could not gift anything, tip their rooms or leave a message. As this also prevented me scrolling through my friends, they eventually got deleted as they were placed between friends I visit a lot. Sad

    One thing I did notice was they had two names. The name on my friends list and yet when I would visit, their user name was something else. Not sure if this glitched them somehow? But then, I've no idea how I appeared to them either!


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    Friend is not my friend? Empty Re: Friend is not my friend?

    Post  Cajamina Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:34 pm

    I have had that before the last update. One friend had two different names, but I could visit and gift, as usual.
    One day I was collecting my daily exp by going from one friend to another and suddenly I was stucked in an (other) friends manor with no buttons to go left or right and no chance to gift or left a wall message. A day later this friend was "open" again.

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    Friend is not my friend? Empty Re: Friend is not my friend?

    Post  LaVentosa Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:53 pm

    I've had that happen and wrote about it here
    It seems to me it got fixed only after updating to 1.10
    Edit: nope - it did _not_ get fixed. it is still the same.

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