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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

3 posters

    Another update?!


    Posts : 59
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    Location : Rincón, Puerto Rico
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    MM Name : Kraleyipad MMF

    Another update?! Empty Another update?!

    Post  puertokelly Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:19 pm

    Ok, I'm scared! What could they take away from me this time? If you're brave enough to update, please share with us what happens this time!

    Posts : 59
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    Location : Rincón, Puerto Rico
    Friend Code : 6e8569
    MM Name : Kraleyipad MMF

    Another update?! Empty Re: Another update?!

    Post  puertokelly Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:58 pm

    Arrrgh! My helpful daughter clicked update all and therefore choice is removed so... So far, gifting still has some bugs. I was accepting gifts and now when you collect a gift, the thank you gifts don't seem to go. It kept on freezing up for me. It also started thanking for mystery gifts, so we are now thanking for thank yous?

    There seems to be an Olympic theme/collection, but I didn't look that hard because I got frozen out and decided to come here to report.

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    MM Name : Kentremont

    Another update?! Empty Re: Another update?!

    Post  Kentremont Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:49 am

    Mad Same thing here. Driving me nuts, now we need a update to fix this.

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    Another update?! Empty Re: Another update?!

    Post  Mbstr8k Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:59 am

    Here's another thread that covers today's update that was started a bit earlier. You'll find some more info on what is and isn't good about it...mostly isn't.

    Good news is we can still gift "through" the update. You just can't seen non-updater's walls and vice-versa. So send wall messages to your friends.

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    Another update?! Empty Re: Another update?!

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