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    Miso soup quest


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    Miso soup quest Empty Miso soup quest

    Post  Mogul Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:28 pm


    I am trying to complete the 25miso soup quest. I have visited the sakura room over 20 times and not a single one has dropped. Is there is a sequence I am supposed to follow? I am running a turtle and an artificat.


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    Miso soup quest Empty Re: Miso soup quest

    Post  gemfinder Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:57 pm

    Same for me (but worse) in oceanic looking for trex fillets. Found 6 straight away then nothing at expert level with cornucopia and turtle in about 35 consecutive explorations.

    It's the luck of the draw. I'm nearly there but through trading and it's taken nearly a week. They just don't drop for some Sad

    Posts : 73
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    Miso soup quest Empty Re: Miso soup quest

    Post  Mogul Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:50 pm

    gemfinder wrote:Same for me (but worse) in oceanic looking for trex fillets. Found 6 straight away then nothing at expert level with cornucopia and turtle in about 35 consecutive explorations.

    It's the luck of the draw. I'm nearly there but through trading and it's taken nearly a week. They just don't drop for some Sad

    Fillets were dropping 2 at a time tonight. 20 dropped in less than a hour. Will try Sakura in a couple of days when I can find some more seeds to open room

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    Miso soup quest Empty Re: Miso soup quest

    Post  engineer Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:08 am

    gemfinder wrote:Same for me (but worse) in oceanic looking for trex fillets. Found 6 straight away then nothing at expert level with cornucopia and turtle in about 35 consecutive explorations.

    It's the luck of the draw. I'm nearly there but through trading and it's taken nearly a week. They just don't drop for some Sad
    They also drop in the hunting room, so I recommend you explore that instead of the Oceanic room. It's less energy and you don't have to pay golden corals!

    Posts : 84
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    MM Name : Santa23

    Miso soup quest Empty Re: Miso soup quest

    Post  hawkeyegirl Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:38 am

    As soon as I got my 25 miso soups, they started dropping 2 at a time in the Sakura room, LOL.

    I can't get a TRex fillet to drop for the life of me, though. I think I've traded for every one that I have.

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