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4 posters

    Alien disci


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    Alien disci Empty Alien disci

    Post  Palandrusk Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:20 pm

    Did a search and couldn't find anything so thought I'd ask.

    Have a quest now called "Alien disci" where I'm supposed to "Explore O'Olle's saucer to find a discus."

    Is the saucer it is referring to the UFO phenomenon? I only have the base 15 rooms unlocked.

    Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

    Posts : 84
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    MM Name : Santa23

    Alien disci Empty Re: Alien disci

    Post  hawkeyegirl Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:22 pm

    Yes, it is the UFO. However, I know that one of the Olympic Snatchins drops the discus, so it will be easier for you to just banish him.

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    MM Name : Rob

    Alien disci Empty Re: Alien disci

    Post  Palandrusk Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:26 pm

    Thanks for the quick reply. I'll look out for them!

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    Alien disci Empty Re: Alien disci

    Post  engineer Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:34 pm

    Palandrusk wrote:Did a search and couldn't find anything so thought I'd ask.

    Have a quest now called "Alien disci" where I'm supposed to "Explore O'Olle's saucer to find a discus."

    Is the saucer it is referring to the UFO phenomenon? I only have the base 15 rooms unlocked.

    Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
    Just's not the UFO phenomenon, it's the UFO room, which if you only have 15 rooms unlocked, you haven't gotten to yet. However, the above poster is right, it's far easier to just get a snatchin to drop the item rather than paying to enter rooms Smile

    Posts : 8
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    MM Name : griff1857

    Alien disci Empty Re: Alien disci

    Post  griffinra Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:39 pm

    Does the discus thing really drop from the UFO room though? For the previous olympic quests, the item you needed was listed as a "findable item" and the discus is not. Hmm.

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