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8 posters

    Who will be in the fifteen??


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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  Chickenchick111 Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:52 pm

    So come on, they're giving no time for us to gather the team for what's a ridiculous notion. How can fifteen people be picked globally to use Skype? I don't have Skype and at five pm have a hospital appointment but I'm so bloody cross I would cancel it if it wasn't so important.
    So, anyone willing to write a list down from this post and transcribe it to questions from us all, please sign up here? I'm not one of the founder players but I am one who has spent a lot of money and time and am currently bemused by the lack of respect they have that they can delete out Facebook comments saying they're disrespectful when they're asking us to get fifteen together for a charade across the net.
    Who can help us?

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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Re: Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  sunnyind Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:06 pm

    They have blocked me also for making any comments and I am playing the game since last 6 months. I don't know just 15 people can represent all of us.

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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Re: Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  Chickenchick111 Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:39 pm

    Someone else just told me they were blocked now for suggesting they've deleted seven hundred of her comments. I have no association to my manor from my face book as its a naff account I created to complete the photography achievement for the chest, it's not my apple email id or my game name. This is a shocking way to hold us to account for their failings. How will they know who is online if they don't have our details which I can't see many wishing to put publicly on Facebook? I don't have or know how Skype works but suspect it doesn't enable transcript from speech? How will they confirm what is relayed to us is what was said and vice versa? This is fraught with ridiculousness

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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty The 15

    Post  Kristi927 Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:09 pm

    Ok, I want to start off by nominating Gibby, Queen Victoria, and GK. I think they deserve a say. Next if anyone on here has game development experience please come forward. I also think only high level players get picked because we dont want to waste what little time we get to ask question on stupid ones. I can just imagine someone asking why they dont have the island yet. Lol I think it is great there is another thread under chit chat to get consolidated list of things to discuss. How will we get our list to them since they have given us no way other than fb to talk about it. If no one from this forum gets picked, then I say we all delete this game.

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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Re: Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  Chickenchick111 Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:15 pm

    From their early replies, prob now deleted they tell us to pick the fifteen and let them know through the post on fb. I've asked how they want us to tell them and got no reply yet they responded to someone writing a rubbish comment below me. In case of pending mutiny on my mm manor I've removed my details from here and changed my fb to less conspicuous name, it is only a crap one I used for photo achievement, no friends on it and different user email address in case this crap came up, lol which it has. I can't see how they can delete people who are asking questions and making constructive comment to them, it's like hanging the innocent. They're the bastards in this that've grabbed money out of me whilst signed off sick and needing something to occupy. I'm shocked that everyone who is usually so wonderfully vocal on here have all gone off now Sad c'mon people who are the highest 300 level or whatever, say you'll speak for us that can't be 'there' where ever there is

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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Re: Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  puertokelly Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:10 pm

    Hilarious that tget hace is all thinking like Soviet Era Russians having to hide our identities. I also nominate Queen V and Gibby. Some of the issues I would like brought up are
    1. Plans for diamonds: change pricing (give us more for money or drastically decrease what is required to buy things) For example, 24 diamonds to buy a sack of salt to banish a monster when you need to do that 100 times to meet the quest is ridiculous). So, make things cheaper, or give us more diamonds for our money
    2. Earning Diamonds: they need to make some quests where we can earn diamonds as rewards for charging collections.
    3. Energy: since layering charms isn't allowed any more, they need a charm that we can earn that gives like six hours unlimited energy to coincide with the turtle. People would spend more money the longer they have to play. Right now, they have hampered playing time so much that you can't get many rooms explored until you are out. This is especially needed with all of the new monsters that require energy to banish.
    4. Gifting: firstly, get rid of the stupid Gift Sent thing. Any enhancements that slow the game are not enhancements.
    5. Gifting: I get the 50 gift per day limit, but why can't we make it sixty items and if we want them all to be collection items, they should be. Give us the freedom to pick the types of gifts we give.
    6. Friends: give us an option to sort them. Both alphabetically and by level. Searching would also be great. Ideally, friends who left us gifts would get a star or something do we could know at a glance who frequent grifters are.
    7. Friend wall: why do friends appear on the wall who you cannot ask for gifts. Friends should not appear back on the wall until they are available to ask for gifts. If we can only ask once per day, have that coincide with reset. Give us a click for reset so we know when it is coming as mine has changed like three times in the last week.
    8. Multigifting: why not make it a legitimate prize for leveling? At level 40, you get two gifts per friend, level 50, you get three per friend, etc... That is another incentive for staying in the game and spending $ while allowing us the joy of giving wish list items to our friends.

    Those are my thoughts for now.

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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Re: Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  puertokelly Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:18 am

    I posted the above message last night on the fb page and now it is gone. Why are they deleting our comments? I mean, I wasn't even offensive because I left out the Soviet reference. Culturally, I suppose we are quite different in the way we (Anericans/Brits) solve problems. We have no problem airing our laundry in search of a solution whereas other cultures seem to prefer passive aggressive behavior.

    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Re: Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  Guest Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:20 am

    Please visit the offIcial Skype call section to post nominees and issues to be discussed during the call

    Thank you
    xoxo DONNA xoxo
    xoxo DONNA xoxo

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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Re: Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  xoxo DONNA xoxo Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:26 am

    They've just posted a poll on FB

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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Re: Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  EAPatterson Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:35 pm

    xoxo DONNA xoxo wrote:They've just posted a poll on FB

    Feels to me that they are trying to get out of the Skype call.

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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Re: Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  Caz Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:41 pm

    EAPatterson wrote:
    xoxo DONNA xoxo wrote:They've just posted a poll on FB

    Feels to me that they are trying to get out of the Skype call.

    And how many people would have been at work and unable to vote?

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    Who will be in the fifteen?? Empty Re: Who will be in the fifteen??

    Post  brenda(Doglover) Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:03 pm

    Can someone confirm who the 15 are and if Ms. combs is one of them? Thanks!

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