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    Guardian of the Universe


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    Guardian of the Universe Empty Guardian of the Universe

    Post  Trekker Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:53 pm

    I have all the weapons needed for this collection (I think it's #83?), though I can't charge it yet since I'm still missing a couple of charging items.

    My question is, since I have extras of all the weapons, would I be better off banishing the little aliens running around, saving just enough to charge the collection, or don't worry about the aliens and charge the collection as many times as I can?

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    Guardian of the Universe Empty Re: Guardian of the Universe

    Post  Admin Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:30 pm

    It depends on if you value gold coins more or diamonds.

    Personally, I like having the gold coins because I can use coins to banish snatchins for experience, and buy weak charms. I don't use many diamonds, so I just pay the diamond fee to search the last few rooms if I need to. I can always trade for the items dropped by the aliens.

    I have charged Guardians of the Universe 16 times already.

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    Guardian of the Universe Empty Re: Guardian of the Universe

    Post  sjwriter Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:52 pm

    I did charged a few units of it for coins, but now I prefer banishing those phenomenon simply with extra energy. Just think that I may need the items from this series to banish those aliens later.

    It would be great if someone can share the list of items most probably dropped by each alien type.


    Posts : 186
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    MM Name : Trekker

    Guardian of the Universe Empty Re: Guardian of the Universe

    Post  Trekker Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:14 pm

    sjwriter wrote:I did charged a few units of it for coins, but now I prefer banishing those phenomenon simply with extra energy. Just think that I may need the items from this series to banish those aliens later.

    It would be great if someone can share the list of items most probably dropped by each alien type.

    I actually need both diamonds and coins but I need diamonds more as I don't get those very quickly.

    As for what they drop, I can only tell you of the one that I did. I used a laser sword on a Tripod and he dropped a Secret Container, which is needed for Room 51. (I need one more to enter the room, so I've been debating whether to banish another one, which prompted my question in the first place Smile )

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