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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

2 posters

    Latest gi Facebook posting 21/08/2012


    Posts : 156
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    Join date : 2012-07-09
    Age : 36

    Latest gi Facebook posting 21/08/2012 Empty Latest gi Facebook posting 21/08/2012

    Post  Chickenchick111 Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:25 pm

    Hi again, everyone! You've been waiting for it and here it is! We're pleased to report that we're working on an update with a great new feature. This update is scheduled for release in the first weeks of fall. We understand that people are frustrated that friend codes and item/currency sharing no longer works, so to help offset that, in a confirmed future update, we will be adding special quests that will give free bonus gems as rewards. While it's unfortunate that players can no longer visit friends or swap friend codes to share gems, these new quests will add more much-needed gems to everyone's game!

    As it happens, the next update for Mystery Manor has already been in development and will be released in the next few weeks—so we hope to have this new update live and in the game after that, in early September, pending approvals.

    We'd like to thank all our awesome fans for their patience and understanding in this matter. Please keep an eye out for this new update and feel free to share your thoughts with a comment below--but please also remember to abide by community rules and keep discussion civil, friendly, and free of abuse. Thank you again, everyone!
    pedro retiring

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    Join date : 2012-08-21
    MM Name : pedro

    Latest gi Facebook posting 21/08/2012 Empty loss of functionality in current version???

    Post  pedro retiring Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:59 pm

    I give up after 130 levels. No My game has been virtually unplayable since last update. GI seems more interested in dangling carrots (or diamonds) to keep us playing than actually fixing the current bugs in a timely fashion. I'm not sticking around to see IF the bugs are fixed and what new bugs are introduced when they update again in early fall.

    Posts : 156
    Points : 4699
    Reputation : 27
    Join date : 2012-07-09
    Age : 36

    Latest gi Facebook posting 21/08/2012 Empty Re: Latest gi Facebook posting 21/08/2012

    Post  Chickenchick111 Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:07 pm

    I'm close to doing it too, lev 126, can't find anything fun other than chatting in the very small message box to the six friends who are able to play. Game has got very messy, sloppy and tedious Sad shame as I've lived here in the manor for months lol.

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    Latest gi Facebook posting 21/08/2012 Empty Re: Latest gi Facebook posting 21/08/2012

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