SJ wrote:Doglover wrote:As for this supposed to having been a technical update to fix stability, I see nothing new and in fact it's a little worse for me then it was. I'm still crashing quite a bit and after I charged a couple of collections and it crashed, when I went back in, a couple of the collections showed charged but the rewards were gone from my inventory. Still crashes when trying to reply from the wall after searching rooms for awhile. Also crashes if I scroll too fast through the collections. Not impressed by any means....
I'm on iPad1 and crash when I scroll collections, but I have found a method that is still sh1t, but helps about 70%
You say it happens wheyou scroll too fast, but what I've found is that if I'm scrolling normal/fast....then I crash. But if I scroll superfast, it helps.
I think what I'm trying to say is if you scroll at a speed where all the collection pictures are trying to load, it causes a data surge, so I just go faster.
Say I want collection 83, I watch the collection numbers top left, scrollscrollscrollscroll.......then stop when the number gets to 'about' 83.
Then WAIT (with twitchy bum lol) for the snatchins to start moving again before you touch anything else!!!!! Then go ahead.
Crazy isn't it the methods we have to employ. I think I still have the original email from GI somewhere where they told me outright that iPad 1 is not technically capable of the game. Kinda wish they'd said something BEFORE I gave over my credit card
Interesting, I will try that method! I can't BELIEVE they said that about the iPad 1!!!!!!! Just another example of how shady this company is. I will NOT buy a new iPad just to be able to play the game properly.... I. Will. Not..... Where's the best deal on iPads....?