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    Am I the only one???


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    Am I the only one???  Empty Am I the only one???

    Post  Mfar Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:45 pm

    Just wondering if I'm the only one who has stopped receiving maps and doubloons? I get the shell with a pearl and that's it. And am I the only one who was tempted by the leprechaun pot which now offers 3 times instead of twice the diamonds? (don't worry, I didn't purchase but I was tempted). And I've noticed some of my timed charms and artifacts will occasionally stop counting. They start again randomly but has anyone else noticed? And I'm 50% expert in the island but I rarely get anything in the form of collections besides the beach items. It's like they stopped giving them after the first level! Whew. I feel better getting that out! Lol.

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    Am I the only one???  Empty Re: Am I the only one???

    Post  Bettsy Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:35 pm

    I am with you Maps and doubloons are almost as rare a rocking horse droppings! :-(

    Have a quest to enter the pirate brig three times and any managed one so far!

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    Am I the only one???  Empty Re: Am I the only one???

    Post  LaVentosa Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:29 pm

    no maps and doubloons for me either, neither am I getting any seeds. And that with quests asking for sakura, and brig... *sigh*
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    Am I the only one???  Empty Re: Am I the only one???

    Post  Dazza JP Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:32 pm

    Sorry but I'm still getting them lol

    Had 7 maps and 4 doubloons drop today whilst searching rooms, only had turtle running.

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    Am I the only one???  Empty Am I the only one

    Post  PegWalt Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:07 pm

    Dazza, where were they found? Key entry rooms only?

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    Am I the only one???  Empty LUCKY!!!!!

    Post  Mfar Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:00 pm

    I get the seeds pretty regularly but the maps are like maybe 2 for every 25 rooms I search! And that's on a good day. Some days I don't get them at all. So frustrating!!!

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    Am I the only one???  Empty Re: Am I the only one???

    Post  Kovokiara Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:37 am

    Mfar wrote:Just wondering if I'm the only one who has stopped receiving maps and doubloons? I get the shell with a pearl and that's it. And am I the only one who was tempted by the leprechaun pot which now offers 3 times instead of twice the diamonds? (don't worry, I didn't purchase but I was tempted). And I've noticed some of my timed charms and artifacts will occasionally stop counting. They start again randomly but has anyone else noticed? And I'm 50% expert in the island but I rarely get anything in the form of collections besides the beach items. It's like they stopped giving them after the first level! Whew. I feel better getting that out! Lol.

    Ya, I'm with u on those dis functional charms & artifacts sometimes. Same goes for the power ups like - Freeze, snails etc.
    So far what I've noticed is that maps & doubloons r rare to find unless u have TURTLE / GAME TORCH on. Whichever artifacts that helps u find items from rooms.

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    Am I the only one???  Empty Re: Am I the only one???

    Post  Mfar Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:36 am

    I never play without using a turtle and they still don't appear much for me. I'm just unlucky I guess. Oh well, I do have great friends!!!
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    Am I the only one???  Empty Re: Am I the only one???

    Post  Dazza JP Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:48 am

    Today, about 20 searches so far in 8 different rooms and two maps and one doubloon, so it's very random !!!

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