jill4444 Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:09 pm
gemfinder wrote: jill4444 wrote:I'm working on the achievement to banish 100 priestesses (ugh). Anyone have them at their manor? BTW - I'm really missing the weakened monsters...I really didn't think it was a glitch, but rather a creative way to help friends. Isn't part of this game the social/community aspect? I feel like we're being punished for being smart users. Wonder how many of these "glitches" would still remain in our favor if GI wasn't able to look at our posts in an open forum. We should get paid as Quality Assurance users for all the things we catch/find that GI otherwise would not know about. Ok...I'm off my soapbox
Back to the question at hand...priestesses. Anyone got 'em?
Agree totally with what you say Jill.
I've got a princess although whether you can see it or not is another matter. I was trying to find creatures for a friend yesterday and while I saw certain monsters, she saw different critters in the same Manor. We are being shown what GI want us to see and I'm sure that is related to what we require.
I pity anyone who has to banish the multi-hit monsters. I really do
Hey there Jeff!
Wow, so on top of the fact that they took the weakened monsters away, now they are controlling what each player sees?! Are they trying to make this achievement impossible? How can I banish the monsters (via crappy multi-hit) if I can't even find any? Why do I feel like I'm being kicked when I'm already down...
Guess I won't be doing this achievement...
Thanks for the info Jeff. No wonder I'm not seeing any priestesses around any of my friends manors.
-Frustrated in Florida (aka Jill)