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    Game says I'm "Time Cheating"!


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    Game says I'm "Time Cheating"! Empty Game says I'm "Time Cheating"!

    Post  Jumaacct Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:31 pm

    I just got a 'warning' message and I don't understand why...

    I had just successfully explored the Bathroom, clicked to close the window, and received "You've used time cheating for accelerating the game. This is your first warning."

    I had just gone up a level (from 76 to 77), explored through all of my experience, so used an English Breakfast to be able to keep playing a little bit longer.

    I had the Faithful Heart, Golden Elephant, and Turtle of Luck running. A friend had tipped the room to help me find items, and I took a 'help find items' friend into the room with me. I'm a '100% expert level' in the Bathroom so of course, found everything quickly.

    How was I 'time cheating'?

    The English Breakfast gave me a few more points of energy, the Golden Elephant gives me more experience points, the Turtle of Luck helps me find items (and so did my friend and the tipper), and the Faithful Heart helps me find items and increases coins.

    HOW WAS I TIME CHEATING!?!?! I was simply playing the game! I wasn’t using any ‘tricks’ (because I don’t know any), I was just using the tools I had and playing normally!

    Why did I receive this message? Is it some kind of bug in the latest version?

    I wasn't traveling, I was just sitting at my kitchen table! My iPad's battery was getting low, but other than that, nothing was different or unusual in my playing.

    I've sent an email to Game Insight, but doubt they'll answer.

    Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, what's the deal?

    Game says I'm "Time Cheating"! Empty Re: Game says I'm "Time Cheating"!

    Post  Guest Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:40 pm

    This has been discussed in several other topics...please research before cluttering the forums with repeated issues..thank you

    Edit...I aplogize for my post, it should have read like this.

    We are aware of this ongoing issue and currently do not have a helpful response to fix it, as for now there are other topics within the mmuff forums that discuss this issue and you are welcome to join in discussion to figure it out. For now I would suggest being careful when dealing with your devices date/times and when switching from wifi to 3G. Other members have had issues without doing anything wrong and GI has yet to comment on a fix
    Thank you

    Last edited by Brad5868 on Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 3
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    Game says I'm "Time Cheating"! Empty Re: Game says I'm "Time Cheating"!

    Post  Jumaacct Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:53 pm

    Brad5868 wrote:This has been discussed in several other topics...please research before cluttering the forums with repeated issues..thank you

    Wow! I apologize for 'cluttering' up your forum. I was told this was a great place to get help and information. I didn't realize I'd get slammed and nastied on my first post. You're not very nice :-(

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    MM Name : Kitzkatz

    Game says I'm "Time Cheating"! Empty Re: Game says I'm "Time Cheating"!

    Post  Kitzkatz Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:22 pm

    Brad5868 wrote:This has been discussed in several other topics...please research before cluttering the forums with repeated issues..thank you

    Well, I *did* research and I found precious little to explain or help with the concern that this has happened more often after the latest update to people who have never taken their iPad out of their house or touched their clock setting, and so far GI's response has been 'too bad'. Hopefully, this will get straightened out, but this response was so rude, I had to write. If you took the time to chastise, could you not have taken the time to provide one link to another topic that you feel might help this person? Evil or Very Mad

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    Game says I'm "Time Cheating"! Empty Re: Game says I'm "Time Cheating"!

    Post  Mbstr8k Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:29 pm

    Hi Jumaacct,

    Several people are having this problem. Unfortunately GI has started to accuse a lot of people of cheating after the August update was put out. You can contact GI support and let them know exactly what you were doing, but you will probably get the same standard reply they are giving everyone these days. The topic has been big on the Facebook Mystery Manor:Hidden Adventure page this past week in particular. There is a TON of frustration out there about this, especially since the heat has died down over the early August boycott and campaign to downgrade MM on the iTunes account.

    Alas, there seems to be no resolution to this problem at this time. :evil:

    The search engine on this site is not the best -- Admin would be the first to admit to that. We are a friendly bunch overall, I think Brad might be having a bad day, I've never seen him respond this way before.....

    Here are several links to threads that have discussed or are discussing this topic now.


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    Game says I'm "Time Cheating"! Empty Time cheat warning

    Post  Savannah123 Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:42 pm

    I know it's really scary to get, it is not something you did, a lot of nicer people are helpful on this web site,
    Look for a lady named Dee and tell her what was going on when you got the message, then write a letter to support and tell them what you were doing when it happened. Don't give up on contacting them, keep at it!

    Please post your concerns, there are a lot of decent people here that would be glad to help! Or feel free to send me a message and I will help you out! Very Happy

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    Game says I'm "Time Cheating"! Empty Re: Game says I'm "Time Cheating"!

    Post  Mbstr8k Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:08 pm

    Savannah123 wrote:I know it's really scary to get, it is not something you did, a lot of nicer people are helpful on this web site,
    Look for a lady named Dee and tell her what was going on when you got the message, then write a letter to support and tell them what you were doing when it happened. Don't give up on contacting them, keep at it!

    Please post your concerns, there are a lot of decent people here that would be glad to help! Or feel free to send me a message and I will help you out! Very Happy

    Dee would be great to contact. She has been in touch with GI about her cheating accusation and tried to start a discussion with them on the MM FB page along with others who were falsely accused. GI did not rise to the occasion though and didn't even bother to respond to their players' concerns. Crying or Very sad

    Apparently, after the 2nd accusation you have to start over again or play without the ability to gift or communicate with your friends. This is a serious glitch that GI needs to address.


    Game says I'm "Time Cheating"! Empty Re: Game says I'm "Time Cheating"!

    Post  Guest Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:21 pm

    My post wasn't meant to be mean in any way...I was very busy this morning and rushed in answering.

    I am a moderator on this forum, it does not belong to belongs to all users.
    I am simply trying to do my job in keeping this forum clean and orderly, so by asking you to refer to the other topic was not to stop you from being answers but to ask on those topics rather than starting a new one.

    Sorry for the confusion, enjoy your stay at mmuff!
    Addicted Unbanned
    Addicted Unbanned

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    Game says I'm "Time Cheating"! Empty Re: Game says I'm "Time Cheating"!

    Post  Addicted Unbanned Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:28 am

    This is what I wrote to them in App Store, once they claimed me a this silly word I can't withstand. It their brains... Like bill gates bully inside Microsoft... I wish can sue them for tons of frustration.. I even called their office in st.pete. They said write a letter and wait for a week,

    I went down to play on other device. Starting new name and level 12, no fb linking. And I was 72. 50 miles back the road.


    I know one day you will call me a cheater if i sign up with facebook. Internet is full of stories like this, perhaps, you will find them if you dont just use russsian or english to search for them.

    There is some sill game copy on facebook that makes normal users to be "cheaters" for you and your server. Here is the question for you: why don't you fight back as if you are in the game, for instance, horse thief Gosha... Fight the real set-up, don't bite your feeding hands!

    Another thiing i cannot realise how on the face of the Earth, can i cheat inside your game with a lot very random behaiviour on my defined purpose? Let's say i will want to cheat tomorrow indeedfor real... Should i put it microvawe? Submerge into vodka? Or summon all powers of Siri on my jail broken iPad? Or put Asimov in and call the moon? What is the cheat way you pre-designed for "cheater"?

    Just that silly fake Facebook app that send a lot of crap under your logo? So, you can fight ghosts, not the source of ghosts. Very wise !

    Dudes, you created such a great game, but you stay so riciculous... And ridiculously famous. And famously ridiculous.
    Grow up!

    Anybody who has been claimed cheater !!!
    Please repost !
    Especially to sites like WOT (web of trust)

    I can see I am one of millions.

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