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    Egyptian axes


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    MM Name : AllisonPJ

    Egyptian axes Empty Egyptian axes

    Post  AllisonPJ Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:56 pm

    I'm on a quest right now for Ancient Mummies. It's bad enough that we can't use our friends' weakened monsters, but to make the quest even more impossible, I have not had a single Egyptian axe drop for me. Not during this full moon and not during the last one. Not even with a turtle going. I'm getting seriously frustrated.

    Does anyone know where these axes drop? Maybe I'm just not searching the right rooms/ banishing the right roamers. At least with the Ancient Skeletons, I can buy the bats (which also aren't dropping) with coins.


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    Egyptian axes Empty Re: Egyptian axes

    Post  Mbstr8k Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:46 am

    AllisonPJ wrote:I'm on a quest right now for Ancient Mummies. It's bad enough that we can't use our friends' weakened monsters, but to make the quest even more impossible, I have not had a single Egyptian axe drop for me. Not during this full moon and not during the last one. Not even with a turtle going. I'm getting seriously frustrated.

    Does anyone know where these axes drop? Maybe I'm just not searching the right rooms/ banishing the right roamers. At least with the Ancient Skeletons, I can buy the bats (which also aren't dropping) with coins.


    GI has programmed the game so that once you get a quest that requires items to drop, those items cease to drop regularly --sometimes not at all for days, weeks, months. There are numerous examples of this. The oil cans is the biggest one that can comes to mind at the moment. Right now I have the need of nocturnal eyes for the dark adepts and priestess, not even for a quest, but for the achievement. I've had 11 drop since the start of this full moon and that is with hours of play, 100s of room searches and charms running all the time! I have no need of axes and they drop all the time! I wish we could gift these items, I'd send a bunch your way!!

    About getting more axes...don't hold your breath that's for sure! Mummies (all versions) are the only roamers that will drop axes--maybe -- very catch-22. Use as many charms as you can. There doesn't seem to be a particular room or rooms that drop the axe for me; they all have at some point. You can write too GI about the failure to drop, but you will probably get their standard response about keep trying. Evil or Very Mad

    I know this doesn't help with your need for axes, but you know that you aren't the only one suffering through things like this! I hope you have non-monster quests to work on. My only advice that might be helpful to you....check out the Guide to the monster quests on the Guide section of the site. Look at what quests will come after the skeleton quest. Do NOT use any of the weapons against the monsters you'll need to banish for those quests, just collect them. I guarantee that when you get the new quests THOSE weapons won't drop as much either! Crying or Very sad

    Hang in there!


    Posts : 28
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    MM Name : AllisonPJ

    Egyptian axes Empty Re: Egyptian axes

    Post  AllisonPJ Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:21 pm

    Thanks for the advice. I had a feeling that was the case, since I've been exploring like crazy for the axes. How nice of them to have them only drop from the monsters they're needed to banish Rolling Eyes I've been making sure to banish anything not part of a quest just in case I'll need the weapons later. At one point I did have a lot of axes, but used them up in an earlier Mummy quest.

    I do have two non-monster quests right now: the oil cans I've had for months and everyone's favorite, Neptune. Needless to say, MM is highly frustrating for me these days!

    Posts : 248
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    MM Name : Sakura

    Egyptian axes Empty Re: Egyptian axes

    Post  Sakura Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:50 pm

    I am on the same boat too. I need to find cognac in hallway but after trying many times ( I think I give up now:() not even a single cognac drop. Well I guess I have to trade for this one.
    For Mbstr8k, so sorry that last time I've to delete you Sad(. I thought that you are not going to update.

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    Egyptian axes Empty Re: Egyptian axes

    Post  Mbstr8k Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:46 pm

    Sakura wrote:I am on the same boat too. I need to find cognac in hallway but after trying many times ( I think I give up now:() not even a single cognac drop. Well I guess I have to trade for this one.
    For Mbstr8k, so sorry that last time I've to delete you Sad(. I thought that you are not going to update.

    I wondered where you went! LOL. It took me awhile to update because the update and all the hoopla over it happened while i was on vacation. I didn't want to update and have the problems everyone else was having while on vacation, nor did I have reliable Internet. I could see my update crashing because of my service.

    I think most people are generous with the alcohol as gifts. I know I am. Knowing that others are suffering thru the same quests makes you want to give to help speed them along! heck to see who is also looking for cognac and trade a cognac for cognac. LOL. Remember you'll need to charge that collection 25x when you are done, so get the chargers you need, too.

    @Allison. Oil cans ... I had to buy them. If someone on here actually completed that quest for 300 cans without purchasing them I'd like them to tell us!:-). I think I got 15 out of the 300 before I broke down and bought them.

    As for the Neptune quest, is this the original quest, leading to the UFO or is it the island quest? I wonder if people can gift the island Neptune and it would satisfy the original Neptune quest? I know we can gift or loan the Neptune now, but I'm not sure if the first quest takes it away. I think it does.

    Gee...I'm just full of good news today! Crying or Very sad

    Posts : 248
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    MM Name : Sakura

    Egyptian axes Empty Re: Egyptian axes

    Post  Sakura Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:54 pm

    Thanks for you info about charging the collection. I though we don't have to charge it:(. Is this the last quest before entering the island? As I know we use marine map to exchange with seafarer snatching to get some stuff but how about there other nine quest ( the island and snatcin friday) How to collect those items to charge it? Is it from searching the room in specific mode? Need info lady:)

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    Egyptian axes Empty Re: Egyptian axes

    Post  Mbstr8k Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:00 am

    Sakura wrote:Thanks for you info about charging the collection. I though we don't have to charge it:(. Is this the last quest before entering the island? As I know we use marine map to exchange with seafarer snatching to get some stuff but how about there other nine quest ( the island and snatcin friday) How to collect those items to charge it? Is it from searching the room in specific mode? Need info lady:)

    Here's the info on all the island quests and the order they come in!

    There are quite a few more after the alcohol.....many items can be gifted or loaned by friends, so try that way on the new Neptune (yes, I said Neptune!) quest and mercury quest.

    Personally, I am waiting for the Earth, Mars, Venus, and Saturn quest.... Very Happy

    Posts : 28
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    MM Name : AllisonPJ

    Egyptian axes Empty Re: Egyptian axes

    Post  AllisonPJ Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:10 am

    Mbstr8k wrote:As for the Neptune quest, is this the original quest, leading to the UFO or is it the island quest? I wonder if people can gift the island Neptune and it would satisfy the original Neptune quest? I know we can gift or loan the Neptune now, but I'm not sure if the first quest takes it away. I think it does.

    It's the first one. I've been playing since December, but rarely buy anything to get through quests, so it's taken me forever to finally get to the final stretches of the UFO/pirate rooms opening. Something tells me I'm going to have a long wait to get the rest, too. Phenom never goes in the right room!

    Posts : 248
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    Join date : 2012-05-22
    MM Name : Sakura

    Egyptian axes Empty Re: Egyptian axes

    Post  Sakura Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:40 am

    Mbstr8k wrote:
    Sakura wrote:Thanks for you info about charging the collection. I though we don't have to charge it:(. Is this the last quest before entering the island? As I know we use marine map to exchange with seafarer snatching to get some stuff but how about there other nine quest ( the island and snatcin friday) How to collect those items to charge it? Is it from searching the room in specific mode? Need info lady:)

    Here's the info on all the island quests and the order they come in!

    There are quite a few more after the alcohol.....many items can be gifted or loaned by friends, so try that way on the new Neptune (yes, I said Neptune!) quest and mercury quest.

    Personally, I am waiting for the Earth, Mars, Venus, and Saturn quest.... Very Happy
    It is a long quest lol... Soon or later I will come to those quest too. Thanks again:))

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