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    Controlling the mobs around your manor


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    MM Name : Don The Brute

    Controlling the mobs around your manor Empty Controlling the mobs around your manor

    Post  DonTheBrute Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:05 pm

    GI in their wisdom seems to have a new method of spawning mobs around your manor.

    It used to be I could visit a friend who had Snatchins and banish them until my heart content and they would just keep respawning. I really loved the stuck mobs before they fixed that bug. Now when you banish a mob at a Friend's manor, the mob does not respawn, so after banishing 15 mobs, the friend's manor will be empty. You have to go next door, then return to respawn the 15 mobs again.

    Similarly, there are 15 mobs around your manor. When you banish a mob around your manor a random mob respawns, not the same as the one you banished. This is different than it used to be when you banished a Tripod, a Tripod would respawn. Now if you banish a Tripod, a robot may respawn in its place.

    So the secret to getting a good group of mobs around your manor is to only banish bad mobs. Do not banish Tripods, as they will disappear and be replaced by something possibly much worse. Do banish your Robots and Snatchins and hope that they are replaced by a better mob.

    So in general, do not banish any good mobs around your manor, go to a friend's manor to do your banishing. If you banish good mobs around your manor, you will end up with all robots, which helps nobody.

    Another good rule of thumb, save all your oil cans for banishing robots around your manor. Do not banish robots around friend's manors, as they will just respawn anyway.

    NOTE: This does not seem to work for all manors. If you have a quest ongoing, that may effect your respawn it seems. I have completed all quests and kill acheivements except robots.

    Mobs currently around my manor:
    Destroyer x2
    Joe the Farmer x3
    Little Green Men x3
    Seahorse x2
    Tripod x2

    Last edited by DonTheBrute on Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Location : New York, USA
    MM Name : Don The Brute

    Controlling the mobs around your manor Empty Re: Controlling the mobs around your manor

    Post  DonTheBrute Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:07 pm

    The full moon is back and I have respawned new mobs.

    I now have the following mobs:
    Ancient Mummy
    Dark Adept
    Dreadful Maniac
    Priestess of Chaos
    Snooty Succubus x2
    Stone Gargoyle
    Swamp Creature

    And I kept:

    Enjoy, may the drops be with you!


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    MM Name : PegWalt

    Controlling the mobs around your manor Empty Controlling the mobs around your manor

    Post  PegWalt Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:30 pm

    Whatever I do, I cannot get a monster to come out! I keep banishing Thieving Snatchin & it comes right back. same with Gypsy Boy and any other gypsy I comes right back. The other mobs are aliens & a few robots. What can I do?

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    MM Name : Don The Brute

    Controlling the mobs around your manor Empty Re: Controlling the mobs around your manor

    Post  DonTheBrute Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:46 pm

    Yes, this happens to some people. The only explanation I have is that you have a Gypsy or Snatchin' quest that needs to be completed. But it could be another GI bug which hits random people. I know some high level folks that have no quests and the same problem you have.

    Also some folks do not get the Full Moon event. You should have a 14 day timer on the right of your manor if you got the event.

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    MM Name : PegWalt

    Controlling the mobs around your manor Empty Controlling the mobs around your manor

    Post  PegWalt Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:58 pm

    I guess I'm one of those lucky ?! ones. I've completed all quests. I have the Full Moon Event and have completed all the FM quests. I am working on the 5th medal for the Gypsy achievement.

    In my manor I also have Joe Farmer & Snatchin Seafarer & Seahorse.

    Thanks for responding.

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    Controlling the mobs around your manor Empty Re: Controlling the mobs around your manor

    Post  Mahera Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:23 am

    I've also completed full moon quests and event. When new full moon event pops up, I don't see any monsters in my manor. But when I banish robots, aliens or gypsy women, some monsters come out Smile It doesn't work with gypsy boy, gypsy or snatchins, but it does (at least for me) with aliens, robots and gypsy women (not the gypsy girl though, just woman and old woman) Hope this can help you get some monsters too! Happy hunting all Very Happy

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    Controlling the mobs around your manor Empty Re: Controlling the mobs around your manor

    Post  Chenks Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:10 am

    I just got a slew of mobs from new quests if anyone needs some zombies, mummies, etc to banish. Very Happy

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