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    Help with GI email


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    Help with GI email Empty Help with GI email

    Post  Holley Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:03 am

    Can someone please help me understand GIs email regarding my disappearing quests. After the van helsings quest, now I'm left with only 2 quest. Before I had 8-9. Including the Olympic medals and charging the energy flower artifact. ie, not monster related.
    Any help would be wonderful!!!! Wink

    hollwill, Sep 14 17:18 (MSK):
    80% of my quest on the left of my screen have disappeared......

    Lily Evans, Sep 16 15:30 (MSK):
    Thank you for contacting Game Insight Support Team!

    My name is Lily and I am glad to help you.

    The game acts according to the moon cycles, i.e. every 10 days you have new quests and monstres. During 10 days without new quests you can explore rooms and help your friends. Note, that all unfinished quests will appear when the moon starts to grow.

    Should you come across additional questions you need my assistance with, please feel free to e-mail me back and open the request for a further discussion.

    Lily Evans
    Your Game Insight Support Team


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    Help with GI email Empty Re: Help with GI email

    Post  CheezerWhizzer Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:21 pm

    The flower artifact is Full Moon related. The Olympic quests were also a timed event. The time for both the Full Moon and Olympic quests has expired.

    It's not a bug. You simply ran out of time. The Full Moon ones will return. You can check your times on these events on the right hand icons on your screen. They are gone now, but when a new event happens, you'll get the notice and the time.


    Posts : 26
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    Location : Texas

    Help with GI email Empty Re: Help with GI email

    Post  Holley Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:38 pm

    CheezerWhizzer wrote:The flower artifact is Full Moon related. The Olympic quests were also a timed event. The time for both the Full Moon and Olympic quests has expired.

    It's not a bug. You simply ran out of time. The Full Moon ones will return. You can check your times on these events on the right hand icons on your screen. They are gone now, but when a new event happens, you'll get the notice and the time.

    Thank you so much for this... I understand the timed ones on the right, but when it just disappears overnight w/o a timer... I was a little confused. Also, I may have tried harder to complete the quest on time. Only had a few more medals to get. Oh well.
    Thx again!!!! Very Happy

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