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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

3 posters

    Banish robots


    Posts : 39
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    Location : Netherlands
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    MM Name : sinclair

    Banish robots Empty Banish robots

    Post  Sinclair Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:29 am

    My whole manor is surrounded by robots and oil cans are rarely found. Is there a way to get rid of these? They block other, more useful items and it costs too much time to search all my friends manors. Thanks for any response pig

    Posts : 483
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    Location : East coast
    MM Name : Charlotte

    Banish robots Empty Re: Banish robots

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:18 am

    Sinclair wrote:My whole manor is surrounded by robots and oil cans are rarely found. Is there a way to get rid of these? They block other, more useful items and it costs too much time to search all my friends manors. Thanks for any response pig

    Here is a great thread on banishing robots and how to get more oil cans to drop.

    Since the latest updates oil cans are dropping easier..check out the last few pages of the thread above to see how to get your manor set up to drop more.

    Be careful though, you don't want to banish them all! If you haven't had the two big robot quests you might want to keep some in your manor. If friends are working on their robot quests or the robot achievement, they will appreciate being able to come to your manor and finding some to banish!

    Robots do seem to be the roamers that do not disappear permanently after banishing them from your own manor. They repopulate, but it is always wise to banish most of the roamers from other manors before your own, or else you will find they don't return and your friends may not visit as often and leave you appreciative gifts. .....especially the monsters from the reoccurring full moon events!

    Posts : 39
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    Join date : 2012-09-13
    Location : Netherlands
    Friend Code : 4653a8
    MM Name : sinclair

    Banish robots Empty Re: Banish robots

    Post  Sinclair Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:29 am

    Thanks for this information. I will try.

    Posts : 97
    Points : 4581
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    Join date : 2012-07-23

    Banish robots Empty Re: Banish robots

    Post  Sharbee Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:38 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:
    Sinclair wrote:My whole manor is surrounded by robots and oil cans are rarely found. Is there a way to get rid of these? They block other, more useful items and it costs too much time to search all my friends manors. Thanks for any response pig

    Here is a great thread on banishing robots and how to get more oil cans to drop.

    Since the latest updates oil cans are dropping easier..check out the last few pages of the thread above to see how to get your manor set up to drop more.

    Be careful though, you don't want to banish them all! If you haven't had the two big robot quests you might want to keep some in your manor. If friends are working on their robot quests or the robot achievement, they will appreciate being able to come to your manor and finding some to banish!

    Robots do seem to be the roamers that do not disappear permanently after banishing them from your own manor. They repopulate, but it is always wise to banish most of the roamers from other manors before your own, or else you will find they don't return and your friends may not visit as often and leave you appreciative gifts. .....especially the monsters from the reoccurring full moon events!

    Top advice by Charlotte there. Don't be tempted! Hang onto those cans and ignore the Achievements. You will get these as you progress through the quests! Wait until you start quests relating to the Pirate Brig, UFO and Island. You will need every oilcan! Additionally, if you get items like Golden Doubloons, Marine Maps etc., Don't trade them, you will need them later. I am really regretting wasting mine for being too eager to level up and complete achievements or just get items. The same goes for Full Moon quests, hang on to banishing items until you get a prompt to banish things for a quest. With the removal of weakened Monsters, it takes a lot more banishing items to fulfil criteria for the Certificates now. Many posts about this, should you want to check up.

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