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    Banish mist?


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    MM Name : BittyBrain

    Banish mist? Empty Banish mist?

    Post  BittyBrain Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:50 pm

    Unless there's a quest or collection item connected to it, is there any reason NOT to banish the mist? I think this is probably me getting lazy more than anything else, but when I see it in the kitchen or living room, for example, I just want it to go away.

    Posts : 186
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    MM Name : Trekker

    Banish mist? Empty Re: Banish mist?

    Post  Trekker Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:13 pm

    Well, for one thing I've found that I get more items if I explore the room with the mist in it (any phenomenon, actually). Also, there are a couple achievements attached to the mist, one for the mist itself, and the other for conquering the curse that's left behind (I forget which one it is).

    If you've already met those achievements, though, then I would say go ahead and banish the mist and save your energy for the higher rooms.

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    Banish mist? Empty Re: Banish mist?

    Post  BittyBrain Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:50 pm

    Trekker wrote:Well, for one thing I've found that I get more items if I explore the room with the mist in it (any phenomenon, actually). Also, there are a couple achievements attached to the mist, one for the mist itself, and the other for conquering the curse that's left behind (I forget which one it is).

    If you've already met those achievements, though, then I would say go ahead and banish the mist and save your energy for the higher rooms.

    Thanks, Trekker that makes a lot of sense. I think being quarantined has been so challenging that the parts of the game that is supposed to be challenging (in a fun way) are just annoying. Can't wait for this to get fixed so I can visit you!
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    Banish mist? Empty Re: Banish mist?

    Post  Dazza JP Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:38 am

    When exporing a room with a phenomenon or a curse, you will have a better chance of receiving one of the harder to get items that are on each collection, especially if you have a turtle running as well.

    Last edited by Dazza JP on Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Banish mist? Empty Re: Banish mist?

    Post  pianofingers Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:48 am

    And aside from the collection items, there's a greater chance it'll drop a doubloon or a seashell together with it too!

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