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    Mist = wisp?


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    Mist = wisp? Empty Mist = wisp?

    Post  Mselui Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:25 pm

    Do I remember correctly that you can substitute the mist for the wisp if required in a quest? Or do I need to get rid of the one I have to allow the other to possibly appear?

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    Mist = wisp? Empty Re: Mist = wisp?

    Post  Jae Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:04 am

    Mselui wrote:Do I remember correctly that you can substitute the mist for the wisp if required in a quest? Or do I need to get rid of the one I have to allow the other to possibly appear?

    My experience has been that they're separate phenoms that don't substitute for one another, and that like the other phenoms, a player must get rid of one to allow for another.

    Good luck!

    Posts : 82
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    MM Name : shadowcat

    Mist = wisp? Empty Re: Mist = wisp?

    Post  Shadowcat Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:17 am

    Jae wrote:
    Mselui wrote:Do I remember correctly that you can substitute the mist for the wisp if required in a quest? Or do I need to get rid of the one I have to allow the other to possibly appear?

    My experience has been that they're separate phenoms that don't substitute for one another, and that like the other phenoms, a player must get rid of one to allow for another.

    Good luck!

    Sometimes, especially in earlier updates of the game, items would drop from the "wrong" phenomena, so I would at least play through the mist, rather than banish it. Remember that you must also play through the curse mode before the wisp can appear.

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    Mist = wisp? Empty Re: Mist = wisp?

    Post  Mselui Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:09 pm

    Thanks all, and that curse tip was very helpful too!

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