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    Don't think I can take much more


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    Don't think I can take much more Empty Don't think I can take much more

    Post  Soozicle Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:35 pm

    As most of you know, I have been a constant daily player for months. I have a desk job that allows me to keep my iPad open so I can constantly cultivate my manor, so I'm able to play a lot more than many... and I have done because I enjoyed the game and was completely addicted. I had been a religious attendee to the chat room here for a while, but they put in new software that blocks MMUFF at work so I haven't been around much lately. Imagine that, they think it's porn! LOL Laughing

    I ran out of quests just before the August update that eliminated multigifting. I was enjoying being a higher level player able to help lower level friends finish their quests quicker, but then WHAM, here came the August update and a bunch of my trusted loyal friends left. I kept trudging on, finished all the new quests and then BAM... they pushed out this new update including a repeat of arguably the most hated quest ever... the damn oil cans. I don't know what they were thinking, but just cramming in crap content to keep us busy is NOT what we were after with the August revolt.

    Back then, when they asked for 15 representatives to submit suggestions, I tried to represent you all the best way I knew how. I did not group my suggestions in with the infamous 'compiled list of 55 items', and sent in a well thought out letter including our 'must fix' items, along with solid, viable ways to enhance the game, such as perks for higher level players based on milestone achievements that will enable them to help lower level players and thus encourage extended game play for both sets of players. I won't say it is the fault of the 'infamous list of 55' that it didn't (for those of you who weren't around then, that list was the only one addressed by GI), but my letter never did get addressed even though it was endorsed by several MMUFF community leaders and the content of which was added to a petition that received over 75 signatures.

    I do give GI props for fixing a few of the game play issues such as the extra button when gifting, skipping over users who are not up to date when visiting, and removing the "outside rooms" that were preventing monster banishing when visiting. However, my last rating of the game will remain a one star rating because the in-game economics are ridiculous. I finally have collected enough food and artifacts to keep my energy up, but now I just have no desire to search rooms because... well, I simply cannot stomach the idea that I will have to search hundreds upon hundreds of times (when I've already searched over 4150 times) to gather what I need just to get this new room open, because I flat out REFUSE to give GI one more cent after their responses in August. Yes, some people sent in demands that were really out of the question and would've kept GI from making ANY money on this game at all, but mine were designed specifically to prevent that while enhancing game play. Simply put... if it had to do with altering game economics, it wasn't addressed or it was side-stepped. I'm not even going to mention the ludicrous "5 diamonds per weekend" gift except to mention that it was, in fact, a ludicrous slap in the face to do that instead of actually enhancing the game, and only served to highlight just how greedy GI is.

    I had narrowed my friends list down to 50 active players just before the August update. Since so many of them left or nearly stopped playing after that, I've had to add almost 150 more friends at random just to get the chargers I need... and adding friends indiscriminately has just proven to be frustrating as these new folks don't tend to care that much about gifting strategy. My point is... "helping" friends is no longer fun, either. The game play structure encourages adding massive amounts of friends, but with the 50/10 limit, it's impossible to cultivate good trading relationships.

    My point is that I think I'm to the point of winding down my game. Right now I'm stuck where I can't even finish charging the island collections 9 times because I never get shells and when I do, the hut and airplane bits never EVER drop. And I'm not about to bust my @$$ trying to collect oil cans again. There's just no point, so I think I'm going to shut it down and move on to another game.

    I thank you all for supporting me in both my game and my efforts in August. I hope my suggestions that are still posted here will continue to assist new players... but I still caution them to NEVER SPEND A DIME on in-game diamonds!! Please continue to get what you can out of the game while you can, but realize that ultimately you will end up bored and quit... so don't be disappointed when you get to that point. I will miss being a part of this community, and already miss that indelible hope I seemed to have for so long that GI would actually listen and get this game back on track to being as awesome as it could've been. Thanks for all the laughs.

    I am currently level 194 (and geez, how much I wanted to get to 200, and how close I got!), and have been using up my collection items trying to get room keys and artifacts, so I don't have as much stuff as you'd think I would at my level. I'm not going to delete my friends quite yet so if I have anything you need (even if I only have one), feel free to post to my wall. I'll keep checking it for a while before I delete everyone and delete the game entirely.

    Mmmmmwuuaaah XOXO

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    Don't think I can take much more Empty Re: Don't think I can take much more

    Post  ycul Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:43 pm

    Hi Sooz, Sorry to hear you won't be playing anymore. I'll miss you. I wont delete you. I hope you will return after you've had a break. Smile but I totally understand your frustration. I too am very bored searching rooms and haven't even tried to get the oil cans yet. I doubt I will ever get into the Selena room. I think I have 1 extra bits of plane and 1 umbrella I can send you if you want. Smile
    Cheers, Lucy

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    Don't think I can take much more Empty Re: Don't think I can take much more

    Post  Camille Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:05 am

    Hi Sooz, I think your post captures how many longtime MM players have been feeling for a while now but especially so since the latest update with its new round of oil can quests.

    I have drastically cut back on the amount of time I spent on MM and truth be told I haven't missed it at all. Like Lucy, I won't delete you either.

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    Don't think I can take much more Empty Re: Don't think I can take much more

    Post  Sakura Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:40 am

    ycul wrote:Hi Sooz, Sorry to hear you won't be playing anymore. I'll miss you. I wont delete you. I hope you will return after you've had a break. Smile but I totally understand your frustration. I too am very bored searching rooms and haven't even tried to get the oil cans yet. I doubt I will ever get into the Selena room. I think I have 1 extra bits of plane and 1 umbrella I can send you if you want. Smile
    Cheers, Lucy
    Hey Lucy, Use bovver's guide how to collect oil can. It's works for me and it drops every time I search the room:))

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    Don't think I can take much more Empty Re: Don't think I can take much more

    Post  ycul Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:51 am

    Hey Lucy, Use bovver's guide how to collect oil can. It's works for me and it drops every time I search the room:))[/quote]

    Thanks Sakura, used t today for a little while. I have curses in Living room and kitchen. Its boring but at least the rooms are with the lights on and not in the dark. Smile

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    Don't think I can take much more Empty Re: Don't think I can take much more

    Post  Shadowcat Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:44 pm

    I agree. I'm bored stiff with the need for oil cans. Yes, I can repetitely play my cursed kitchen and bathroom to get oil cans, but when I go to look for blueprints from the robots, nothing is dropping. I did much better on the ones from UFO phenomena, got 5 in 5 searches, one double, one dud - all without a charm even, just a helper (maybe a tip for luck, I don't remember). Robots, though, I think I am 0 for 6, with all but 1 running a turtle of luck! I'm hoping maybe they will have another special event sometime with new quests - that would at least give me something to do along with the pointless oil cans.

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    Don't think I can take much more Empty Re: Don't think I can take much more

    Post  Mbstr8k Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:24 pm


    I completely understand your frustration! I spent 5 hours today exploring the bedroom over and over in a car ride. (No wifi) got 82 oil cans in That amount of time. The whole time I was like "watch, women's shoe, fire alarm, etc. etc...blah, blah ,blah) only did it because of the long car ride, otherwise, I might play an hour a day to request or give gifts.

    GI is losing players. Unfortunately, those who have been around a long time, aren't able to convince the new players that GI is ripping them off. New players find the same thrill we did when we started to play because of the aridity of quests. They don't know bad days are ahead! I think GI wants players. For just a short while, not long-term players. That is the only explanation I can see for their current strategy.

    I hope you hang around awhile....take a much needed'll still be my friend. Besides, you know too many secrets from the chat room!!!:-). We'll lave a light on for you!


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    Don't think I can take much more Empty Re: Don't think I can take much more

    Post  brenda(Doglover) Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:35 am

    Hey Sooz, I don't blame you one bit. When they hit us with this latest oil can quest I almost threw my iPad across the roomi was so pissed. If that wasn't a slap in the face, I don't know what is. And then to top that off with the offer of a chest of 500 oil cans for the mere price of $99, I was seeing red. I've decided I'm going to try to finish up the full moon event, I've still got several collections I need to charge 4 or 5 times and then I'm all done. I don't give a rats ass about the Selene room, my game crashes every 3-5 minutes when visiting friends, and I'm sick of GI's absolute blatant disregard for the loyal, long term players and what we've spent. Thanks for being such an awesome friend!
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    Don't think I can take much more Empty Re: Don't think I can take much more

    Post  Dazza JP Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:11 am


    Sorry you have been forced to feel this way by the idiots that are GI. They should really change their name to Generally Ignorant !!

    Won't delete you in case you decide to come back :-)

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