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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 


    Posts : 415
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    Join date : 2012-06-07
    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:54 pm

    I guess it's time to put some order in this thread! Smile
    - Added a Reference Table to assist you in finding topics.
    - Topics are alphabetically arranged
    Limitations: Will not include individual questions raised, answers & follow through points on all topics


    POST NO.
    AIDS What do I put on my Wish List? 5 62
    ALIENS What do I put on my Wish List? 5 62
    AVATAR Changing your MMUFF Avatar 13 195
    BANISHING Sticking Roamers 5 73
    BEACH BAGS Sending Gifts Offsite 2 30
    BOYCOTT Boycott on 13-17 Aug 2012 38 563
    BRIG Building the Brig - Room 17 1 2
    BROOMS Banish Old Gypsy 300 times 5 63
    CHARMS Maximizing Charms 3 33
    CONDUCT Becoming a Good MM Friend 10 141
    CORSET Finding an Item with Phenomenon 13 185
    CRASHING Safeguarding Your Game Progress 5 68
    EASTER EGG Easter Egg 8 117
    EMERALD Finding an Item with Phenomenon 13 185
    ENERGY What do I put on my Wish List? 5 62
    EXPERIENCE What do I put on my Wish List? 5 62
    FRIEND CODE Finding your Friend Code 12 174
    FRIENDS Becoming a Good MM Friend 10 141
    FUNNIES Johnny Be Good 3 32
    Miss You from Gator5Cat 12 17
    From Gator5Cat 13 182
    Sharing Update Smiles 23 34
    Coincidence 44 658
    From SJ 45 661
    GIFTING Sending Gifts Offsite 2 30
    GLITCHES Safeguarding Your Game Progress 5 68
    HORSESHOE What do I put on my Wish List? 5 62
    ISLAND QUEST Room 18 - The Lost Island 1 of 3 26 377
    Room 18 - The Lost Island 2 of 3 29 435
    Room 18 - The Lost Island 3 of 3 32 475
    From Engineer - reminders 31 457
    Charging Old Sets for New Quests 34 507
    KEYS What do I put on my Wish List? 5 62
    LEPRECHAUN Sending Gifts Offsite 2 30
    NEPTUNE Finding an Item with Phenomenon 13 185
    OLD GYPSY Brooms to Banish Old Gypsy Woman 300x 5 63
    OLYMPICS Olympic Quests 48 718
    PHENOMENA Finding an Item with Phenomenon 13 185
    QUEST ITEMS Finding Weapons & Items for Quests 1 11
    Hearty Meal Quest 23 336
    From Skyler 24 348
    Reminders (Update version 1.10) 24 357
    Charging Old Sets for New Quests 34 507
    RESTARTING Safeguarding Your Game Progress 5 68
    ROAMERS Sticking Roamers 5 73
    ROOM 17 Building the Brig - Room 17 1 2
    ROOM 18 Room 18 - The Lost Island 1 of 3 26 377
    Room 18 - The Lost Island 2 of 3 29 435
    Room 18 - The Lost Island 3 of 3 32 475
    From Engineer - reminders 31 457
    Charging Old  Sets for New Quests 34 507
    TURTLE What do I put on my Wish List? 5 62
    UPDATE 1.10 Before Crossing over to the Dark Side 21 306
    Don’t Update yet to level up 18 270
    For Friends with Updated Versions 22 316
    From Skyler 24 348
    Hearty Meal Quest 23 336
    Reminders (Update version 1.10) 24 357
    Update on the Latest Version 23 331
    What’s New & Reminders 23 334
    What's New & Reminders - updated 24 359
    UPDATE 1.11 For those who have not updated 38 560
    News on the Update version 1.11 36 534
    WEAPONS Finding Weapons & Items for Quests 1 11
    WISH LIST What do I put on my Wish List? 5 62

    Today is the day my crown rests at level 300.

    I love my friends and will always keep an eye open for you in case you have questions and need help. I have bequeathed the royal treasury to people whom I know can share the most to their friends and hopefully create a happier MM gaming for all. Its always great to make someone smile so pass it on as much as you can Smile

    You guys would not believe the kind of questions I get, ranging from MM questions, router defects, feline care, school administration policies, AND my personal favorite - how to get tar off husband's goatie, among many other odd subjects! Laughing Therefore, I shall post on here useful information and post your questions here instead of my wall.

    For elusive gift items, let me know so I can log in and send them to you.
    For multi gifting issues, PM please and leave your email address for me to reply.
    For sticking roamers, please continue to post on my wall so others may see and may benefit from it.
    For friend requests, I will accept only 110 more friends and maintain my number at 500.

    So this is it! I will help but please don't send me gifts anymore as I won't be needing them, better to give them to a low-level player who will appreciate them more. And please stop sending me broken hearts, I refuse to accept them as it breaks mine! Crying or Very sad

    Thank you for all your kind friendship and always making me laugh each day! You all make this world a better place! flower


    Last edited by QueenVictoria on Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:44 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : added reference table)

    Posts : 415
    Points : 4968
    Reputation : -154
    Join date : 2012-06-07
    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty BUILDING THE BRIG - Room 17

    Post  QueenVictoria Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:57 pm

    Quests for building the BRIG or PIRATE SHIP may only be found after Room 16- UFO has been assembled & quests related to those and the Oceanic Rooms have been cleared.

    These are the level requirements for building the brig since it no longer shows in the shop, and you won't waste your requests.

    Bench plane 40
    Clamp 50
    Fretsaw 60
    Hammer 70
    Brace 80
    Helm 90
    Masts 99
    Carcass 110
    Lifeboat 150
    Sails 199

    Last edited by QueenVictoria on Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:25 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Forgot title)

    Posts : 44
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    MM Name : BittyBrain

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  BittyBrain Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:18 pm

    Getting a cramp in my stiff upper lip. Will attempt to carry on. Pls ignore the wailing in the background.

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:21 pm

    I swear Bitty Brain you are damn funny! I do love you! I can send more beach bags if you want! LOL
    John doe

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  John doe Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:25 pm


    Last edited by Aeinecker on Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:04 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 415
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    Join date : 2012-06-07
    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:53 pm

    I have accepted you.
    Thank you for your invite!

    Last edited by QueenVictoria on Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 16
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    Location : Kentucky, US
    MM Name : Gator5cat

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty I'm here

    Post  Gator5cat Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:59 pm

    I figured it out..I think. you're stuck with me now! Very Happy

    Posts : 415
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    Join date : 2012-06-07
    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:05 am

    Gator5cat wrote:I figured it out..I think. you're stuck with me now! Very Happy

    LMAO! Happy to be stuck with you! Smile
    Forever and ever babe! And you still owe me pictures Smile

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Matens52 Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:45 am

    Found u dear friend! Glad there is a way to keep in touch. You are the best!!

    Posts : 415
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    Join date : 2012-06-07
    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:56 am

    Matens52 wrote:Found u dear friend! Glad there is a way to keep in touch. You are the best!!

    I still have to write about finding corset, Neptune and Emerald so just keep checking in.

    Posts : 415
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    Join date : 2012-06-07
    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty FINDING WEAPONS and ITEMS for QUESTS

    Post  QueenVictoria Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:09 am


    Finding anything, whether it's weapons for banishing zombies, monkeys and ninjas or items like lube oil, nails, wood, tape and batteries, require that you explore all crappy rooms - meaning everything but the Oceanic, Sakura, Room 51, Laboratory, UFO and Brig. You may include big ticket rooms too for XP but I find it not really necessary if you want to save energy to find items.

    So if you have to find something make sure you make a full circle of all crappy rooms beginning with the Living Room then Kitchen, Bathroom, and go around once, then go back to the Living Room to "reset" the search. I notice that when less and less items fall out, I make sure I do the living room, kitchen and bathroom first then go again and find all my items all over again. It seems statistically effective.

    Last edited by QueenVictoria on Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot title)

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    Location : Indiana
    MM Name : Snookie

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Gifted!

    Post  Snookie Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:17 am

    Did my daily quota of random gifting. Thank you so much for being a fine example of what game playing should be. btw, love those sticky floaters!

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:21 am

    I love sticking roamers! Best stress busters at no cost! LOL

    Hey, be careful though you might over banish and lose coins and diamonds. Before going into attack, count how many weapons you have. Trigger happy is not the way to go at this time. lol!

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    MM Name : Amanda

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Amanda Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:34 am

    Noooooo I will miss our long chats. Also u forgot that u gave me a tip on how to get tar out. Haha
    Oh now who can I make laugh at my stupidity. Haha Crying or Very sad

    Posts : 44
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    MM Name : BittyBrain

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  BittyBrain Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:42 am

    QueenVictoria wrote:I swear Bitty Brain you are damn funny! I do love you! I can send more beach bags if you want! LOL

    I never look at that collection without thinking of you. What a wild and crazy night that was! And while others may see the crown, you will always be my chic on the beach.

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:49 am

    LOL Amanda! I should have included that! LOL
    I will edit! LOL
    It was a pretty long discussion on WD 40

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    MM Name : Amanda

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Amanda Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:51 am

    It was a very long discussion. My husband was surprised when I told him. Then I told him that you told me about it. Oh I feel like I'm breaking up with u. At least this is not goodbye. Sad Sad Sad

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:52 am

    Oh Bitty Brain, you are so sweet Smile

    And you remember when I got trapped and you got trapped inside our palaces. Oh that was a challenge but we could not be denied - multiple gifts offsite! Lol!

    I really can send some more. Some people think it cannot be sent like leprechaun but it can.

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:54 am


    We'll never say goodbye! I just won't play. And here you'll get to meet my other crazy friends. Then you'll know why I have so much fun on MM. LOL!

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    MM Name : Amanda

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Amanda Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:56 am

    Oh good. I'm glad I'm not the only crazy friend that you had. Very Happy

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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:58 am

    No you're not, I would pit GATOR5CAT's buffalo and sprinkler story with your frozen iPad and tar story. lol!

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    MM Name : Amanda

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Amanda Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:00 am

    Haha I cant help that I'm ditzy. I posted on ur mm wall. Sorry I forgot.

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    MM Name : Carriejh77

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Carriejh77 Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:00 am

    Hello, we've never officially met except for a few swaps of words the other night when the server was down, but you, Queen Victoria, are FABULOUS! This post is cracking me up. Would love to chat more. Good luck to you! Laughing

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:04 am

    Oh thank you, Carrie! I'm so blessed to have random people like you saying something incredibly sweet like that! You are always welcome to chime in, if you want crazy! We welcome crazy, in fact, Amanda only speaks crazy! LOL!

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Amanda Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:08 am

    I love that you updated ur comment and added the goatee story. It made me laugh so hard. I'm so glad that it was one of your favorites. cheers

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