Reasons to love a banker...
1. We help you get enough coins to get into Manor rooms for the first time.
2. We provide the $$ to help you banish Snatchins
3. We provide $$ to buy the tools to help you find things in the rooms of the manor.
........... A. Enhanced flashlights
.......... B.flashlights
.......... C. Enhanced time snail--- slow down those phenoms that speed up time
.......... D. Time snail
.......... E. enhanced pointer--- highlights items you need to find in your room
.......... F. Pointer
4. We provide you $$ to buy charms you need to help set up the infinite energy run. (30 minutes)
........... A. Copper Phoenix
........... B. Elephant of wisdom
........... C. Copper lucky clover
5. New "Daywalker's Arsenal" Collection items can be purchased with'll need 750,000 coins to purchase the set.
]Even better news--- banishing snatchins', buying tools, and using tools will help you earn achievement ribbons!
We know about the snatcher's chest that will make it so you don't need to buy items to banish various snatchins, but DON'T forget how you can use the coins described in item 2 and 3 above!!
Also, we can be your best friends for WAKE UPS!! Before starting a turtle run or energy run, ask your scientists and explorers to tip your rooms, but don't forget to ask a banker to check on your room to see if any helpers need to be awakened.
Anyone else want to add to this list??
Maybe, I should've put this under guides and how-to's..........
Last edited by Mbstr8k on Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : New use for coins added.....)