•Vicki bans GI• Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:11 pm
wwragmom wrote:I try and keep my friend list short so that I can gift and tip almost everyone everyday.
I have a rather complicated gifting regimen. Since I like helping as many people as possible, I end up gifting a large number of people on an ongoing basis. This means I can't always gift each person every day. However, I am able to stretch the daily limit of 10 because many of my friends ask for things that don't count against the limit (cash register items).
I have several methods of prioritizing how I gift back. If I know someone is having a really hard time getting something for a quest, I usually put them as top priority. Next, I tend to put lower level players at a higher priority because they tend to have a higher need for help, but that means the very highest level players on my friends list can sometimes get left out for a day or two. However, some players will gift me regardless of whether I've had time to return the favor, and if I see that's happened too many times, I'll put them at the top of the list to be sure they don't think I'm ignoring them. And if I have satisfied all those priorities, then I look for those I've gone the longest without gifting, and they get gifted to be sure they're still included.
It's a big juggling act and takes up a major portion of my game time, but it's something I really enjoy doing. However, if a friend wants me to gift them every day, then I may not be the right person for them. I try my best, but I confess that I don't always succeed.