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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips


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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  wwragmom Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:32 am

    I just found out that I am a banker by another player on my friend list.Sad
    She asked me to refrain from leaving her tips as I was cancelling out tips left by other players that were more helpful.I responded that I would only wake up her sleepers when I saw them.

    I had been under the impression that there were several layers of tips, and leaving a tip did not override another. This is new, and has been confirmed by GI by email.

    So I thought everyone should know this. I guess I will only wake up sleepers from now on. I liked leaving tips when I could so that my friends would know it was me and respond in kind.

    Any suggestions on the right thing to do here?

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Tips

    Post  Savannah123 Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:20 pm

    I am sorry you had to experience such a negative response to your kindness. Some players have a more serious game play strategy than others.

    I agree with you about wanting people to know you stopped by, I like all tips, lets me know who is playing!! And it it nice to know somebody took the time to visit me!!

    I have played this game since December ( I know should be in MM rehad by now) and have experienced all kinds of players, the vast majority of the players are easy going and a fun loving crowd!!

    And everyone needs to remember the only prizes in this game are the friends we make!!!

    Trailer Trash
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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  Trailer Trash Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:32 pm

    Im a banker also and have been asked by one, level 400 player not to leave tips. Today, I requested a T Fillet from him/her, which they sent but followed jp with "can you send it back. No doubt other players will be asking for it". When I went to their manor to return it straight away, they had JUST written on their own manor wall " I am tired of people asking. Offer a trade to make the game fun again" How very RUDE is that!!!! Left tips all over their manor went back and deleted them. LOL!!! Who needs friends like that????
    •Vicki bans GI•
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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:41 pm

    I couldn't agree with Savannah more! Even though I haven't played as long and was lucky to be an explorer, I don't think it's fair to discriminate against bankers. No one got to choose or earn their occupation in this game. Savannah put it more delicately by saying some players take the game more seriously than others. I'll put it more boldly by saying that some players are simply more selfish and think only of whether the tips help them in the game or not.

    There are many, many players who welcome tips from all players, including bankers. Please feel free to friend me, and I'll welcome your tips no matter what—even if they do cover up or replace tips from scientists or explorers. To me, it is truly the thought that counts, not the occupation. Most players have hundreds of friends and can only tip a small few of them, and I am honored when someone chooses to give their tips to me, including bankers. I love you

    BTW, Trailer Trash - I have Filets that I give out to people who need them. I do not ask for them back. I simply ask that the person pay it forward when they are done. If you need more filets, feel free to friend me, and I'll do what I can to help. Very Happy
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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  Trailer Trash Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:45 pm

    Thanks. I will friend you. I have all the fillets now. they were the only one to ask for them back and I sent one back to a level 30 person who had sent her last one!!!!!

    Am looking for whiskey mow, so feel free to visit my pub!!!!!!!

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  wwragmom Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:52 pm

    Glad I'm not the only one. Actually, she always sends me gifts and leaves tips for me. So I guess she is a serious player.
    I try and keep my friend list short so that I can gift and tip almost everyone everyday. So, I'll wake up the sleepers and say so on their message board. And keep on giving as many gifts as I can.

    On another subject, how do I delete the friends who no longer play? I have some who have been inactive for weeks now.

    Glad that I found this board-so much useful info!


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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Tips do stack

    Post  Ruthmmforum Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:05 pm

    My continuing experience is that tips do stack. I recall on occasion five or so deep - though I am not often that fortunate.

    I have seen one player who wants scientist to leave tips in specific room and explorers in other specific rooms - no banker tips mind you!

    Some players ask you to leave a note if you stop by, tip or leave any type of gift - it makes it easier to return the visit. Another player has posted don't ho that - they have too many messages and wall requests as it is.

    I am a banker too - I have had the odd remark. As a practice I usually leave tips - sometimes just in the interior rooms. Depends on player.


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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  Caz Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:06 pm

    Trailer Trash wrote:Im a banker also and have been asked by one, level 400 player not to leave tips. Today, I requested a T Fillet from him/her, which they sent but followed jp with "can you send it back. No doubt other players will be asking for it". When I went to their manor to return it straight away, they had JUST written on their own manor wall " I am tired of people asking. Offer a trade to make the game fun again" How very RUDE is that!!!! Left tips all over their manor went back and deleted them. LOL!!! Who needs friends like that????

    I'm a banker too and have only once been asked not to tip. I can sort of understand a lower level player wanting only scientist tips as 15% extra is a fair bit for them. But level 400??? Come on, with the amount of experience they need to level up, one tip is negligible. For me now the game is all about making and helping friends. I encourage new friends to ask for collection items they need and it's totally without expectation of receiving anything back. If they then leave me with a low explorer tip, no problem. They may be trying to build their reputation level so by tipping my rooms it helps them to move forward. I would never be so rude as to even think about asking friends not to tip my rooms.

    Good for you for tipping and deleting, that made me laugh!!!

    •Vicki bans GI•
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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:59 pm

    Trailer Trash wrote:Am looking for whiskey mow, so feel free to visit my pub!!!!!!!
    I just accepted you. Welcome new friend! I have booze to give away, too! LOL! So I'll try to help you there, as well.

    wwragmom wrote:On another subject, how do I delete the friends who no longer play? I have some who have been inactive for weeks now.
    Go to your friends list, find the friend, and tap the X to the right of their name. You'll get a popup asking if you're sure you want to delete them. Confirm that you've tapped on the right person, and if so, then confirm it.
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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:11 pm

    wwragmom wrote:I try and keep my friend list short so that I can gift and tip almost everyone everyday.

    I have a rather complicated gifting regimen. Since I like helping as many people as possible, I end up gifting a large number of people on an ongoing basis. This means I can't always gift each person every day. However, I am able to stretch the daily limit of 10 because many of my friends ask for things that don't count against the limit (cash register items).

    I have several methods of prioritizing how I gift back. If I know someone is having a really hard time getting something for a quest, I usually put them as top priority. Next, I tend to put lower level players at a higher priority because they tend to have a higher need for help, but that means the very highest level players on my friends list can sometimes get left out for a day or two. However, some players will gift me regardless of whether I've had time to return the favor, and if I see that's happened too many times, I'll put them at the top of the list to be sure they don't think I'm ignoring them. And if I have satisfied all those priorities, then I look for those I've gone the longest without gifting, and they get gifted to be sure they're still included.

    It's a big juggling act and takes up a major portion of my game time, but it's something I really enjoy doing. However, if a friend wants me to gift them every day, then I may not be the right person for them. I try my best, but I confess that I don't always succeed.

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  Sharbee Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:59 pm

    Tips stack but after time will be lost. I was saving some in a particular room but when I explored, the top tip was used and the rest had vanished. I did leave it for 3 or 4 days though.

    Last edited by Sharbee on Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:32 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Time scale)

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Tip stacking

    Post  lynnhas Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:36 pm

    The tips I get from my friends do NOT stack, and they never have. I have a few other friends who tell me the same thing. So I think tip stacking works in some manors but not in others. I was really bummed when I figured this out.

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  Debinapril Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:57 am

    Trailer Trash wrote:Im a banker also and have been asked by one, level 400 player not to leave tips. Today, I requested a T Fillet from him/her, which they sent but followed jp with "can you send it back. No doubt other players will be asking for it". When I went to their manor to return it straight away, they had JUST written on their own manor wall " I am tired of people asking. Offer a trade to make the game fun again" How very RUDE is that!!!! Left tips all over their manor went back and deleted them. LOL!!! Who needs friends like that????

    This made me laugh!

    I'm an explorer and even I get nervous about leaving tips to high level players. Sometimes I ask but if they're L150+ I usually leave them alone. I think my lower level friends would appreciate them more.

    My impression is that tips don't stack now but used to. That's a shame and a step backwards.

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  Sharbee Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:48 pm

    lynnhas wrote:The tips I get from my friends do NOT stack, and they never have. I have a few other friends who tell me the same thing. So I think tip stacking works in some manors but not in others. I was really bummed when I figured this out.

    Well, that's very odd Lynn, I am sorry to hear that. I answered going on my personal experience and that with friends that will ask me to tip a room repeatedly ( so it works for them too obviously).

    The only advice I can give for Bankers (although this goes for everyone really) is to read people's Walls first. I always post so people know what I am up to daily.

    A final point to make is, a lot if quests require certain phenomena or curse in a room. Normally, people will get rid of these pronto as they make things more difficult. BUT, if you see a friends manor where they have been left, it is most probably for a reason. Thus, it would be prudent to leave these alone and/ or ask before leaving tips as they probably have set them up with find or experience tips to optimise their repeated explorations - think Oilcans here, over 300 explorations necessary.

    It's very unfair that manors appear to be different. Perhaps it is due to when you started playing and GI's evil little updates. It is getting harder for newer players (no more weakened monsters/ MG as other examples).

    Little consolation for you & your manor but I hope this info on room setups may be useful.


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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Definitely stacking here

    Post  Ruthmmforum Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:38 pm

    I am on latest version. I have not been able to enter the Oceanic room for several days because I lacked corals. I accumulated enough to enter again this morning. I have played the room four times. Each time there was a tip. I ran out of Coral but there is still a tip waiting. I don't know how deep they are stacking but at least five deep in this example.


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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  Sharbee Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:05 pm

    Thanks for that confirmation Ruth. I lost 3 reputation levels on my previous comment so I am glad that someone else can back up what I said about stacking. I chased oilcans in my kitchen for over 2 weeks and while well-meaning banker friends tipped over the rooms, I would get an explorer or scientist to tip over the top. It did overwrite previous tips and in less important rooms, I played as usual and the same underlying tips were there, as long as I didn't take too long about it, like a few days or more.

    If there are anomalies in Manors, that's GI's fault, not us players and commenters here on MMUFF.

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:59 pm

    Sharbee wrote:I lost 3 reputation levels on my previous comment so I am glad that someone else can back up what I said about stacking.
    I don't think the lost reputation levels had anything to do with your comment about stacking. I believe it had to do with the comment that you had written beforehand, but then edited out. I still have a copy if you would like a refresher.
    mlle. scarlett
    mlle. scarlett

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  mlle. scarlett Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:44 pm

    wwragmom and others,
    Im sorry that you have been made to feel unappreciated because you are bankers. For the most part, I welcome any and all tips, but there are occasions when I am on a quest requiring me to explore a certain room in a certain mode ( oil cans anyone?) . At those times, I need every little bit of help I can get in order to get the needed item to drop. I will ask bankers not to leave tips in that room so explorer tips will not be cancelled out. I certainly don't mean to offend you and hope that you will leave a wall message so I can visit you in return. I tend to tip my banker friends the most!

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  EF Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:33 pm

    •Vicki bans GI• wrote:
    wwragmom wrote:I try and keep my friend list short so that I can gift and tip almost everyone everyday.

    I have a rather complicated gifting regimen. Since I like helping as many people as possible, I end up gifting a large number of people on an ongoing basis. This means I can't always gift each person every day. However, I am able to stretch the daily limit of 10 because many of my friends ask for things that don't count against the limit (cash register items).

    I have several methods of prioritizing how I gift back. If I know someone is having a really hard time getting something for a quest, I usually put them as top priority. Next, I tend to put lower level players at a higher priority because they tend to have a higher need for help, but that means the very highest level players on my friends list can sometimes get left out for a day or two. However, some players will gift me regardless of whether I've had time to return the favor, and if I see that's happened too many times, I'll put them at the top of the list to be sure they don't think I'm ignoring them. And if I have satisfied all those priorities, then I look for those I've gone the longest without gifting, and they get gifted to be sure they're still included.

    It's a big juggling act and takes up a major portion of my game time, but it's something I really enjoy doing. However, if a friend wants me to gift them every day, then I may not be the right person for them. I try my best, but I confess that I don't always succeed.

    I totally love your gifting regimen!! With all the limits set upon by GI, I find it hard to properly thank or help my friends. I have some incredibly wonderful and generous friends of all levels. I'm not the greedy or the gimme, gimme type. I like to help as I have been helped. I really like this game and play everyday. Thanks for that idea on how to spread the wealth Wink

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Bankers spamming my page with useless tips

    Post  Lola917 Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:46 am

    I don't want to come off the wrong way but I am sick and tired of bankers spamming my page with useless tips.I don't tip most bankers because I don't want them to tip me. I do have higher level banker friends that I do tip but they don't tip me back because they know the deal. Now I have tried leaving a note on my wall saying that I need explorer and scientist tips and that bankers should wake my helpers. That hasn't worked and I'm getting frustrated, I'm this close to deleting them which I really don't want to do. Just venting I guess. Any suggestions?

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  Katyc Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:26 pm

    Lola917 wrote:I don't want to come off the wrong way but I am sick and tired of bankers spamming my page with useless tips.I don't tip most bankers because I don't want them to tip me. I do have higher level banker friends that I do tip but they don't tip me back because they know the deal. Now I have tried leaving a note on my wall saying that I need explorer and scientist tips and that bankers should wake my helpers. That hasn't worked and I'm getting frustrated, I'm this close to deleting them which I really don't want to do. Just venting I guess. Any suggestions? a different game where people can chose what profession they are?
    I am a level 175 explorer and I use all those "useless" bankers tips to exchange with the giant werewolf - gives a valuable silver rolling pin every time - thank you my lovely banker friends:) ...especially when I really needed you to unlock those rooms, appreciated you then and still do now xxx

    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  Guest Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:53 pm

    Lola917 wrote:I don't want to come off the wrong way but I am sick and tired of bankers spamming my page with useless tips.I don't tip most bankers because I don't want them to tip me. I do have higher level banker friends that I do tip but they don't tip me back because they know the deal. Now I have tried leaving a note on my wall saying that I need explorer and scientist tips and that bankers should wake my helpers. That hasn't worked and I'm getting frustrated, I'm this close to deleting them which I really don't want to do. Just venting I guess. Any suggestions?

    Wow. Is it really that big of a deal? I am grateful for ALL tips. Always have been, always will be. Seems to me that if you feel the need to start off with "I don't want to come off the wrong way......" then perhaps there is something wrong. Just sayin.

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  Camille Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:05 pm

    I agree with the two posts directly above this one. I appreciate any help that my MM friends give me, tips from bankers included.

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    Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips Empty Re: Bankers leaving tips, cancelling out other tips

    Post  skiptx Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:26 am

    Lola917 wrote:I don't want to come off the wrong way but I am sick and tired of bankers spamming my page with useless tips.I don't tip most bankers because I don't want them to tip me. I do have higher level banker friends that I do tip but they don't tip me back because they know the deal. Now I have tried leaving a note on my wall saying that I need explorer and scientist tips and that bankers should wake my helpers. That hasn't worked and I'm getting frustrated, I'm this close to deleting them which I really don't want to do. Just venting I guess. Any suggestions?

    Hmm, I have a couple MM friends named Lola and I just tipped one a couple days ago. But her wall doesn't have any message from her on it, and certainly not one requesting no banker tips. Also she tipped me first, so maybe it's not you. Oh, ha ha, that Lola is a banker, too. What's your profession and approximate level?

    -- banker skip

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