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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 


    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:50 pm

    Oh yeah? Where here? I'm in the capital city. Some good friends on MM are Indonesians Smile Certainly are kind people, the Indonesians are. Well actually my MM friends are just wonderful, I have been lucky. Or maybe I've deleted those I didn't like. Lol! I remember deleting about 2 people for posting something so unkind on their wall. And maybe 6 whom I found out deleted bankers for tipping and not sending them personal messages to explain properly, especially for non-English speaking ones. Make them feel how it is to be deleted, right? Heehee, I am bad sometimes.

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    MM Name : ycul

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  ycul Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:05 am

    I have 4 friends that live in Manila! I'm actually not Indonesian but American but have lived there for 9 out of the last 12 years. Indonesian people are very nice. Its a great place to live! I think my MM friends are awesome as well.

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:08 am

    Oh so close to home Smile

    Well I sure hope your Filipino friends are treating you well? If not, let me know, I'll have a few words with them! Lol!

    Posts : 233
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    MM Name : ycul

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  ycul Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:10 am

    QueenVictoria wrote:Oh so close to home Smile

    Well I sure hope your Filipino friends are treating you well? If not, let me know, I'll have a few words with them! Lol!


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    MM Name : Jrodtig

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Remember me?

    Post  Jrodtig Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:31 am

    Hi my Queen... Thanks for bestowing some of your treasury upon me. I will take good care of it for you and help to spread the love! Enjoy your new found time away from the Manor... The game will not be the same without you though. Sleep

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:38 am

    I swear baby, you're a silly drama king!
    Remember you? I would not forget if I tried!

    And correction, I did not bestow some of the royal treasury to you, I gave it all to you! Lol!
    Now you can be the Lion King you always wanted to be! LOL! But to me, you're still CKC!

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:41 am

    @ jrodtig

    I love your avatar, my aviator! Smile

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    MM Name : Jrodtig

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Jrodtig Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:42 am

    I hope you still have the ring! That little guy worked hard to get it to you!

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Jrodtig Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:43 am

    I look so young in that picture too! LOL

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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:45 am

    It's my iPad wallpaper.

    You look young enough to take me flying next year. Lol!
    But I'll settle for a magic carpet. Lol

    Posts : 11
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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Jrodtig Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:48 am

    The carpet will be rolled out and waiting for you !

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty WISH LIST

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:14 am


    This is a common question I get from friends, or a question that should have been asked judging from the odd wish lists I see when I make random visits. Here are some general things to remember.

    First rule: Always have at least 1 charge item on your wish list.  We all need charge items, in fact more often than collection items.  We all do our regular visits to collect our bonuses.  You don't want a friend to come by, look at your wish list then leave nothing.  There is joy in helping & giving, allow them the pleasure?

    Second: Don't put all charge items. There are players who have an abundance of everything & are willing to share.  Be ready to receive some blessings!

    GOALS - should be the basis of all wish lists.  Put up collection items and charge items depending on what you need at the time.  There are alternative sets but I find these most efficient.
    1. XP - If you are out of energy & need to level up fast to recharge your energy.
    #60 Heart of Africa - gives 3,000 XP plus 5 English breakfasts - the best collection set to charge if you don't have a lot of English breakfasts.
    #88 Festive Masquerade - gives 3,000 XP -  if you don't need the food & just XP, the better set to charge for half the charge items required for Africa.

    2. KEYS - to be able to explore rooms that require keys, best sets to charge are:
    Room 51 - charge #52 Secret Contraptions, plus banish aliens & complete all your visits with a turtle running.
    Sakura - #66-67 Ninja Weapons & Secrets, plus look for sticking ninja announcements on my wall. (Thanks to Tata & other kind souls who continue to post on my wall for sticking roamers)
    Laboratory - #92 Space Stations, plus banish aliens & complete visits with turtle.
    Oceanic - #71 Sea Life 
    UFO - #53 Mechanical Helpers, plus banish aliens with turtle.

    3. HORSESHOES - to banish gypsy man, woman, boy & girl for XP, runes or gypsy items.
    Gold - Artifact #1 Hand of Midas - may be charged several times at once.
    Bronze - #29 Seance
    Silver - #22 Fussy Horses

    4. ALIENS - give the highest XP for little or no energy required when banished, also give batteries, containers & gravitons especially when banished with a turtle. 
    Alien weapons - #93 Guardians of the Universe

    5. TURTLE - #86 Committee of Five

    6. EXPLORATION AIDS - the sets the require the least charging items and use the easiest to find items.
    Compass - #1 Platinum Flatware
    Time Freeze - #5 Drinks of the World
    Alarm Clocks - #10 Plumbing tools
    Flashlight - #12 Fear of the Dark
    Flare - #13 Mysterious Trophies, also given 
    Magnet - #15 Dust bunnies

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty BANISHING THE OLD GYPSY WOMAN for BUDULAI ACHIEVEMENT

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:25 am


    Instead of requesting on your wish list all 5 dust bunnies plus making wall requests for 4 charge items, just ask your friends to send the broom itself. They can find it in their gift box and be sent as an assembled broom already. Assuming, of course, that you don't need more magnets. But 300 magnets is just sick so go ask for a broom, 1 broom is like gifting you 9 items. Save you and your friend the trouble!

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Admin Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:46 am

    I haven't been on in a little while, but QueenVictoria, you've always been super helpful to me. Thanks for everything! Very Happy

    Congrats on hitting 300!

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:50 am

    You retired before I did Smile
    Thanks, Rainkid! And you are marvelous for helping out so many players with your site Smile Godspeed!


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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Admin Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:53 am

    QueenVictoria wrote:You retired before I did Smile
    Thanks, Rainkid! And you are marvelous for helping out so many players with your site Smile Godspeed!

    I'm not retired... Just observing from a distance until I have more time. Between work and everything else leaves little time to play now... Sad

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:55 am

    LOL! From the outside looking in can be fun! Especially during these intrigue-filled times. Lol!

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty SAFEGUARDING YOUR GAME PROGRESS

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:17 am


    I hear a new update is coming on August 1 Smile
    My friends, please make sure you take screen shots of your manor, to be on then safe side, BEFORE you update.  We hear of crashes & players having to re-start their games all the time.  I found out that you can be reinstalled to your original level if you have proof of your level, your diamonds and coins (and inventory, if you feel like taking screenshots of those too).  I also suggest doing this every few levels just in case.  

    Open the Inventory Box so even your reputation & collections assembled show.  Then take a screen shot of that.

    How to take a screenshot:
    Press OFF/SLEEP button - upper left corner of the iPad
    Simultaneously, press HOME button - middle right side of iPad. It will automatically save in your Photos album.

    Also, every so often check that your manor is not experiencing Game Server Delay, to ensure that GI has your progress on their server.  To do this:
    Go to Ratings Table
    Press 'Find Me' button.
    Check that your XP & Rep there is the same as what you see in your own manor.
    If yes, you're updated to the Game Server.
    If not, then explore at least 3 different rooms.
    If that doesn't work, close MM app completely & shutdown iPad.

    Incidentally, for anything that just doesn't seem right with your manor, those last 2 instructions should fix it.  This is for when your wish list is not updating, or you're told that your rooms are closed, or you've just updated but you cannot visit updated friends.

    Last edited by QueenVictoria on Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 363
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    MM Name : LaVentosa

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  LaVentosa Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:24 am

    Although I'm not one of your friends yet (of course you're _always_ maxed out Wink, I really enjoy the guides and explanations you write - very helpful, indeed!

    The only thing I regret, is that you don't post the royal manifestos Wink in the "guides" section as well, because with the unreliable search function, they are unlikely to be found by new users...

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:04 am

    To be perfectly honest, I'm too shy to write there. Lol! In here, it's friends who have already understood my humor and have accepted my quirks. And if I make a mistake, I am positive they will be kind. In the "big world", I'm not too sure. Lol!

    Further, I can't read too many trails, it makes me sleepy! Lol!

    Here's what, maybe I can PM Rainkid. If she wants to re-post anything I write on here, she can. Or if you want to. Lol! There's no copyright. Lol!

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    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  LaVentosa Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:13 am

    Oh, I already quoted your list for building the pirate ship in the "item request lvl" - guide thread... flower

    keep on going, we don't want you to ... Sleep

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:25 am

    Lol! I intend to write all I know to make the game more bearable but sometimes it doesn't occur to me immediately, especially for low level quests since it was a long time ago. So if there's anything on your mind, let me know Smile

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty STICKING ROAMERS

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:46 am


    Now there's nothing wrong with banishing sticking roamers especially if there's no manipulation on the part of the player.  I am positive GI will charge no one with cheating so long as it's a program glitch rather than forcing it to happen.  Besides, it's such a stress buster just to banish a ninja to pieces & get over 3,000 seeds right?  So when you find one, tell all your friends, & banish at will!

    You will always find a sticking roamer somewhere, and the more you tell your friends, they become more conscious to also tell you of their find until you all create a network where the number of sticking roamer finds are abound.

    What's a sticking roamer? It is either an alien, ninja, snatchin or gypsy that when you banish them, the banish window does not close & you can let all your frustrations out & banish to your heart's content.

    Prepare for it before it happens! 
    A sticking roamer, being a glitch, will not last long.  Therefore, you have to make sure you're always loaded up on weapons & coins for when it happens.

    1. Before you go on a trigger-happy killing spree, count how many weapons you have before the search & destroy.  Obviously, you can banish only up to the amount of weapons you have.  
    2. Going beyond your number of weapons can cost coins for snatchins and diamonds for snow doll snatchins and other roamers.
    3. The banishing does not stop immediately after you stop, so make sure you stop long before your weapons are used up, by your count.  Either that, or go slower.
    4. Keep one eye on your diamonds! Everyone can lose count sometimes, especially me when I'm on the phone while banishing. So watch your diamonds when you banish gypsies, ninjas and snow doll snatchins.  It can go very fast.

    1. Since these weapons can go up to the hundreds or thousands, I suggest you do the math with your XP instead. For example, you have 2,000 horseshoes.  Each gypsy banish will register as 50 XP. So 1,000 XP means you've only used 20 horseshoes.  So you can stop banishing after you get to close to 100,000 XP.
    2. Stop every once in a while to check XP. While you're banishing, everything is frozen and will not stop until a few minutes after you actually stop banishing.  Allow XP to update once in a while for good measure.
    3. Your manor will go into limbo when you do this, your rooms will seem closed. Don't panic, just explore 3 different rooms and check your rank on the ratings board if it has updated (as discussed in an earlier post entitled Safeguarding your Game Progress).
    4. I suggest to stop every level up.  Allow the game server to recognize your progress and then go again.  We all must manage our greed! Smile  Allows you to check on your remaining weapons too if you're actually counting right.  

    DONT FORGET: After each hunting spree, explore or reset! 

    This is a good way to level up when you have little energy left, or if that's not your goal, just a nice break from room exploration Smile

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    MM Name : Jamedon

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  Jamedon Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:06 pm


    Now there's nothing wrong with banishing sticking roamers especially if there's no manipulation on the part of the player.  I am positive GI will charge no one with cheating so long as it's a program glitch rather than forcing it to happen.  Besides, it's such a stress buster just to banish a ninja to pieces & get over 3,000 seeds right?  So when you find one, tell all your friends, & banish at will!

    You will always find a sticking roamer somewhere, and the more you tell your friends, they become more conscious to also tell you of their find until you all create a network where the number of sticking roamer finds are abound.

    What's a sticking roamer? It is either an alien, ninja, snatchin or gypsy that when you banish them, the banish window does not close & you can let all your frustrations out & banish to your heart's content.

    Prepare for it before it happens! 
    A sticking roamer, being a glitch, will not last long.  Therefore, you have to make sure you're always loaded up on weapons & coins for when it happens.

    1. Before you go on a trigger-happy killing spree, count how many weapons you have before the search & destroy.  Obviously, you can banish only up to the amount of weapons you have.  
    2. Going beyond your number of weapons can cost coins for snatchins and diamonds for snow doll snatchins and other roamers.
    3. The banishing does not stop immediately after you stop, so make sure you stop long before your weapons are used up, by your count.  Either that, or go slower.
    4. Keep one eye on your diamonds! Everyone can lose count sometimes, especially me when I'm on the phone while banishing. So watch your diamonds when you banish gypsies, ninjas and snow doll snatchins.  It can go very fast.

    1. Since these weapons can go up to the hundreds or thousands, I suggest you do the math with your XP instead. For example, you have 2,000 horseshoes.  Each gypsy banish will register as 50 XP. So 1,000 XP means you've only used 20 horseshoes.  So you can stop banishing after you get to close to 100,000 XP.
    2. Stop every once in a while to check XP. While you're banishing, everything is frozen and will not stop until a few minutes after you actually stop banishing.  Allow XP to update once in a while for good measure.
    3. Your manor will go into limbo when you do this, your rooms will seem closed. Don't panic, just explore 3 different rooms and check your rank on the ratings board if it has updated (as discussed in an earlier post entitled Safeguarding your Game Progress).
    4. I suggest to stop every level up.  Allow the game server to recognize your progress and then go again.  We all must manage our greed! Smile  Allows you to check on your remaining weapons too if you're actually counting right.  

    DONT FORGET: After each hunting spree, explore or reset! 

    This is a good way to level up when you have little energy left, or if that's not your goal, just a nice break from room exploration Smile

    Oh your majesty - how I wish I had found you months ago! I've learned a lot from you already! Thank you from me and all the other lower level players who will hopefully be able to see this great thread before they play recklessly and foolishly like I did (til only very recently! Embarassed ), simply because they don't know any are such a kind soul for sharing and helping new and existing players....I'm sorry i didnt have the opportunity to connect with you but all the best to you....BLESS!!! xxxx

    PS - a suggestion for the next to be the best MM friend you can be. You obviously have a lot of faithful and loyal royal subjects Wink and giving us hints on how you managed to be such a good friend would be so helpful so we can all carry on the legacy....

    Last edited by Jamedon on Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 415
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    MM Name : Queen Victoria

    Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects  - Page 3 Empty Re: Keeping the Love Alive - for my Privy Council, Crown Council and loyal subjects 

    Post  QueenVictoria Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:11 pm

    How kind of you to say that, Jamedon! Well just post your newbie questions here no matter how trivial you think they may be, there are always several who have the same questions. I will answer them as best as I remember them. Hopefully, this game will give you more fun when you make less mistakes - especially those that cost diamonds. Smile

    Take care and blessings and joy for you! Smile

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