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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?


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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  StahlBS Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:36 pm

    Yah I'm on an iPad, there's a gray screen with the classic version link and a banner ad at the bottom for register a www address
    Idk, I'll look at in on computer when I get home Smile

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  skiptx Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:13 am

    StahlBS wrote:Hey
    I tried to go to the new forum, but it is just a blank page with a link that says classic version in the top left corner that just reloads the page, do I need to update something or be on a regular computer?

    I had the same problem with Safari (latest version) on iOS 6 on iPad 2, but I was able to get the "classic version" link to load using Opera Mini browser on the same iPad.

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  Nynaeve Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:51 am

    For me the classic link does not work. I am on ipad 2 and started 2 dl that opera software that another said was successful but was asked by opera 2 confirm i was older than 17 2 dl. I am, of course, but won't ever dl software that requires me 2 be of age. What next, my kids and i who share ipad will get inappropriate ads. The new forum is for ipad users, yes? So pls make it easily accessible on the ipad. Some of us have no laptops or desktops.

    Last edited by Nynaeve on Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:52 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Use s/b us)

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  gailg Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:37 am

    Nynaeve wrote:For me the classic link does not work. I am on ipad 2 and started 2 dl that opera software that another said was successful but was asked by opera 2 confirm i was older than 17 2 dl. I am, of course, but won't ever dl software that requires me 2 be of age. What next, my kids and i who share ipad will get inappropriate ads. The new forum is for ipad users, yes? So pls make it easily accessible on the ipad. Some of us have no laptops or desktops.

    The website for FUFF is of course made to work on iPad. I don't know why you would need to download anything else. This is the website When you get there (on your iPad) you may see a dark page with the words classic view in left. This switches to the view exactly like the view of mmuff you are looking at now. Then you should be able to register. Hope this helps.

    I see the other complaint is also iPad 2 though, I don't know whether that is significant since in our group we have all iPad versions. Some people had a bit of trouble and loads more had none at all. This had more to do with the people version and not iPad version I think. Very Happy

    Last edited by gailg on Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:41 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Additional stuff)

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Classic view

    Post  Bettsy Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:07 am

    I had exactly the same problem, although I can now see a couple of posts. If I switched to my web browser that streamers flash content I could see it perfectly and it has the Found banner picture at the top. I am on an iPad 3 with iOS 6 loaded.

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  Demdike Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:17 am

    That happened to me so I clicked on the words classic version and up it popped! Smiley face. Sorry, it won't let me use emoticons without freezing frowny face.

    The one thing about the new forum that I don't get anywhere else on the net are those flickering pop up ads for you have won, or casino jobs. Haven't seen those since Explorer!!
    Essex girl
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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  Essex girl Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:17 am

    I had the same problem on Ipad 2 opeining it with Safari. Works fine with Opera Mini though. I just have to remember to use it!

    Ps. please can one of my friends who is also friends with Andy get him to read my wall! He doesnt realise i cant respond to him. Very Happy
    Yes, i will send the collection hes after when i gift today, and yes, i would love the other one in return, thank you! Very Happy


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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  Bettsy Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:40 am

    Essex girl wrote:I had the same problem on Ipad 2 opeining it with Safari. Works fine with Opera Mini though. I just have to remember to use it!

    Ps. please can one of my friends who is also friends with Andy get him to read my wall! He doesnt realise i cant respond to him. Very Happy
    Yes, i will send the collection hes after when i gift today, and yes, i would love the other one in return, thank you! Very Happy


    Will do that for you now :-) Hope your doing ok
    Essex girl
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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  Essex girl Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:59 am

    Bettsy wrote:
    Essex girl wrote:I had the same problem on Ipad 2 opeining it with Safari. Works fine with Opera Mini though. I just have to remember to use it!

    Ps. please can one of my friends who is also friends with Andy get him to read my wall! He doesnt realise i cant respond to him. Very Happy
    Yes, i will send the collection hes after when i gift today, and yes, i would love the other one in return, thank you! Very Happy


    Will do that for you now :-) Hope your doing ok

    Thanks so much Hunny! Much appreciated!

    Im okay, thanks! Missing you all. Love my wall post by the way. You do make me giggle, girl!! Very Happy

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  StahlBS Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:45 am

    I got registered on a computer then sent a PM to someone on fuff, when it emailed me to let me know I had a response, the link loaded correctly on my iPad and let me login, now the main URL and everything works fine in safari.
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  Dazza JP Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:30 am

    Have registered on the sister site founduff, same name as here and also same name on found itself :-)

    Keep it nice and easy !!


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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  :::Stig::: Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:30 am

    I had similar difficulties getting the new forum to load in Safari. What worked for me was entering the URL without the www in front. I registered and now both will work for me.
    belle MM
    belle MM

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  belle MM Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:00 am

    I also had a similar issue getting the classic version to open in safari. So, I pressed and held on classic version until a menu popped up next to it. I could click in open, open in new tab, add to reading list or copy. I selected open in new tab, and that worked for me. Hopefully it will help someone else as well.

    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  Guest Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:44 pm

    Please move any discussion on new UFF site to here......

    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:34 pm

    Thank you for this thread and for the new forum! I just found Found! I haven't played it very much yet, but I'm liking it so far.

    I'm willing to put up with Found not being fully developed yet if it means getting rid of GI. I'd rather play an inferior game (which I don't think Found will be) in order to be treated with the dignity I deserve from the company who wrote the software. Games are supposed to be for fun which is something GI clearly does not comprehend.

    I've heard nothing but good things about Big Fish so far. It's very encouraging that they are a full fledged gaming company and not some little start up. This means they already have the experience and resources to get Found up and running quickly.

    GI is clearly afraid of Big Fish and Found as evidenced by how GI is deleting all references to Found on their FB page and banning people who dared to mention Found on their wall postings. This is indicative of a company that is highly afraid that once people discover Found, they will switch to it. If GI didn't think Found was any good, they wouldn't care so much. They'd just let the games compete on their own merits and let the best game win. But GI appears to be afraid of doing just that as they seem to already know which game will win — Found! GI's fear of Found is probably the best endorsement of how good this game is going to be!

    And quite honestly, I think GI has good reason to be afraid. Not only is Found looking like an excellent competitor to MM, but GI can't hold a candle to Big Fish. This is GI's own fault. GI's mistreatment of their customer base is destroying MM which makes it very ripe for another game to take over. It takes a LOT for a customer base to switch games after playing for close to a year, but GI has pushed their customers that much. I guess they always thought they could push their customers around, not thinking of what would happen if a new game came around. Now that a new game has emerged, GI is having to face the consequences of their own actions. I say good! Let them! I literally want to see GI fail given how they have treated my friends!

    Found is not only a wonderful game in its own right, but it's a great alternative to MM, and best of all, it's not connected to GI. I'm definitely in! Very Happy

    Oh, and GI read this — I never gave you a single penny. But if Big Fish treats me right, I will be HAPPY to give them my real money! Always remember: It's not about the stuff. It's about the people. GI, you screwed over the people. Expect the same in return. Now ban me from posting on my wall. Ban me from MM completely. I don't care. I already quit! Very Happy

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Slacker....

    Post  Mfar Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:06 am

    I have been reading and playing sporadically and more infrequent. I did download and play Found and like it except my energy doesn't budge if I don't have the game open. Maybe it's me, and can someone explain why we need a new forum? I'm a dummy I guess. Embarassed

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  Holley Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:38 am

    Mfar wrote:I have been reading and playing sporadically and more infrequent. I did download and play Found and like it except my energy doesn't budge if I don't have the game open. Maybe it's me, and can someone explain why we need a new forum? I'm a dummy I guess. Embarassed

    You're not a dummy!! I had to find out how to fix this myself... Wink Just completely shutdown the game either the main power or the home button once then home button twice trick. Once you get the open apps at the bottom press on it to get the minus sign and close it down. Hope that makes sense. It's also on YouTube. cyclops

    I have been playing Found more and more, and MM less and less. First the blueprint thing and now the boss!!! Pass.... Smile

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    Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Fish Games "Found" - MM alternative?

    Post  Nynaeve Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:18 pm

    I deleted MM a couple of months ago because I refuse to spend actual money to search virtual rooms. Have been playing both Found and The Secret Society (G5) which do not yet have friend functionality like MM. I reinstalled MM a few days ago because in spite of everything I am more frustrated by having hundreds, and I mean literally hundreds of each collection I could charge in these games, I have no friends to gift me the chargers. Imagine, if you please needing 10 kline vases to charge one of these collections, imagine that the kline vases rarely drop, and the cost is 3-6 diamonds each. Giving MM another chance...despite it all....

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