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4 posters

    This is how to get your helpers back.


    Posts : 169
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    MM Name : samc147

    This is how to get your helpers back.  Empty This is how to get your helpers back.

    Post  Samc147 Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:50 pm

    Open your gift box

    Choose a gift.

    The first 15 players in your list will be your new helpers. You do not have to gift them this is just a way to see who your 15 are.

    Visit them and ask them to visit you and tip you.

    When they do. They will first get stuck in a room do the room they are stuck on and then they will be free and your helper.

    If they do not visit you and tip you. Then this means that it is likely they are not playing. So if you choose to delete them then open your gift box again and so the points above until you have the 15 helpers you want.

    Please don't delete me I am a banker lol. Think this is Gi's way of sorting out who plays and who does not and making us cut down our friends to people that do actually play.

    Posts : 141
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    MM Name : debinapril

    This is how to get your helpers back.  Empty Re: This is how to get your helpers back.

    Post  Debinapril Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:13 pm

    Samc147 wrote:Open your gift box

    Choose a gift.

    The first 15 players in your list will be your new helpers. You do not have to gift them this is just a way to see who your 15 are.

    Visit them and ask them to visit you and tip you.

    When they do. They will first get stuck in a room do the room they are stuck on and then they will be free and your helper.

    If they do not visit you and tip you. Then this means that it is likely they are not playing. So if you choose to delete them then open your gift box again and so the points above until you have the 15 helpers you want.

    Please don't delete me I am a banker lol. Think this is Gi's way of sorting out who plays and who does not and making us cut down our friends to people that do actually play.

    that's interesting, thanks for the tip.

    I would also,like to,add that sometimes helpers get stuck in the spaceship and my point is you don't know until you search the room. At least 3 of mine were stuck in there.

    Posts : 18
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    This is how to get your helpers back.  Empty Re: This is how to get your helpers back.

    Post  ScorpioMoon Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:17 pm

    Got two new helpers, via being trapped in rooms, then back down to zero couple of hours later. I blame the BBC.

    Posts : 97
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    This is how to get your helpers back.  Empty Re: This is how to get your helpers back.

    Post  Sharbee Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:17 am

    After this last week of connection issues & where I lost all my helpers, I had 3 random helpers appear on Thursday. Looking under send gifts, the 3 I got back were not even listed. 24 hours later, I checked again and, yes, they were now in order.

    After seeing this post, I emailed all 15 in line and asked them to visit, tip, leave a msg on wall. Then, they started to come back! Hurray! It works. But, I recovered 6, then, 18 hours ago now, after finishing a room to release a helper, everything went - Tips, Helpers, Friends & Gifts.

    Todays Update. Another 16 hours later & friends have returned, & each helper just reappeared trapped in a room one by one. I got them all this time Very Happy A few were hidden in UFO. The gift order is correct with allocated Helpers so fingers crossed they stay!

    Last edited by Sharbee on Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updated)

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